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Leading with Heart

Who thrives at Huron? Students who welcome the challenge of interacting with unparalleled faculty and
peers in classrooms where they’re held accountable to show up and show off.

Our school empowers Leaders with Heart from all backgrounds, including the historically underrepresented, because every student with the passion for creating tangible change deserves to access the knowledge to understand the world and the skills to shape it. We’ve remained strategically small to nurture the individual gifts of students who want to build careers that balance professional success with meaningful contributions to society.

As a Huron graduate, you will be prepared for numerous, ever-changing roles, so you’re better able to exceed the demands of the modern marketplace and positively influence those around you to address our world’s significant challenges.

  • It’s easy to mix sugar and water, and that’s what Huron is like – everyone is willing to incorporate new ideas and people – you just need to be spontaneous and open to every opportunity that comes your way.
    Jash Kalyani
    International Student from Dubai, UAE
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  • As an international student I didn't know what to expect at Huron. The campus is beautiful and the Sophs helped me settle in and feel at home.
    Urvi Maheshwari
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  • Volunteering is essential for developing a compassionate heart and a realistic worldview.
    Ailin Chant
    Fourth year, Major, Governance, Leadership, & Ethics, Minor, Health Sciences
    Read more
  • Huron’s MOS program gives you the opportunity to learn a lot about different industries and potential career options before you commit to a specialization. From course work through to seeking employment, you have close connections to your professors so they support you every step of the way.
    Nic Gil
    BMOS, Accounting, Class of 2018
    Read more
  • We believe society is crying out at this exact point in history for students who are called to lead – but to lead with a heart and a conscience.
    Dr. Barry Craig
    President at Huron
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  • My teaching aims to model the methods and principles of critical inquiry, radical democracy, and social equality. I see learning as a collaborative process that emerges through careful and committed questioning, observation and dialogue.
    Katherine Lawless, PhD
    Associate Professor, Centre for Global Studies
    Read more
  • Huron was not an easy set of years for me – I had to work really hard. I only saw results when I put in the time, and Huron taught me the importance of putting in that time.
    Adam Deif, BA'04
    Head of Industry, Google
    Read more

Centre for Global Studies

The only academic unit of its kind in Canada, Huron’s Centre for Global Studies provides fundamentally interdisciplinary and critically-oriented learning experience through which students engage the wold that they live.  All academic programs offered by the Centre for Global Studies encourage students to confront and take up their responsibilities with respect to global inequalities and the conditions of globalization that bring them into relations with persons and communities on global scales.

Our courses challenge students to become excellent readers, researchers, writers, and thinkers, preparing them for graduate studies across the social sciences and humanities, studies in law, business, public administration, and social advocacy, and responsible public actions throughout their lives.



Academic programs offered by the Centre for Global Studies are directed and taught by faculty members with richly interdisciplinary academic training who develop and pursue research programs with fundamentally critical orientations. Learning with Centre for Global Studies Professors, students enjoy strong mentorship in how they may effectively engage the world and gain insights into their social responsibilities on global scales.

  • I challenge students to aspire to rigorous, honest, and effective engagement with the complexity of life in a globally interconnected world.
    Wendy Russell, PhD
    Associate Professor, Centre for Global Studies
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  • My teaching aims to model the methods and principles of critical inquiry, radical democracy, and social equality. I see learning as a collaborative process that emerges through careful and committed questioning, observation and dialogue.
    Katherine Lawless, PhD
    Associate Professor, Centre for Global Studies
    Read more
  • I approach teaching as an opportunity to create conditions that foster collective forms of learning and celebrate anti-oppressive ways of knowing in a global context.
    Lucas Savino, PhD
    Associate Professor, Centre for Global Studies
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  • I approach teaching as the cultivation of events in which we may confront the responsibilities we have as knowers, embrace the value of dis- and re-orientations in our learning, and become highly skilled in ethical scholarly practices.
    Mark F. N. Franke, PhD
    Professor and Director, Centre for Global Studies
    Read more
Globalization Studies

Actively explore the characteristic forces of globalization—mobility, integration and change—from the vantage point of human experience. Students in Globalization Studies modules are challenged to learn, analyze the new opportunities and new risks attendant to globalization in the context of day-to-day life. The key themes addressed in the Globalization Studies modules cluster around how globalization is shaped by human action.

Learn more about the following program offerings in Globalization Studies:

Honors Specialization
Combined HBA

Global Development Studies

Learn to critically analyze problems of poverty, exploring how the economic disadvantages suffered by some communities develop in relation to the advantages enjoyed by others. Given the interdisciplinary character of Global Development Studies, students are strongly encouraged to situate and analyse global poverty in relation to differences arising across a broad range of economic, social, political, environmental, and cultural factors.
Particular emphasis is placed on aiding students to understand how they themselves may participate in the work to overcome global inequalities, at home and abroad.

Learn more about the following program offerings in Global Development Studies:

Honors Specialization
Combined HBA

Global Health Studies

Examine the practices and principles of health promotion, environmental factors and health, and health issues in marginalized populations. This collaborative program with Western’s Health Studies department is excellent preparation for careers in humanitarianism and community development.

Gain unique, responsible, and timely approaches to the critical study and support of persons’ and peoples’ rights within a global context, while learning how to resist the study of rights in a contained or determined sense.

Learn more about the following program offerings in Global Health Studies:

Honors Specialization

Global Culture Studies

Examine how the networks through which people interact are caught within and typically interpreted through specific and often conflicting ways of making sense of the world and one’s place in it. Moreover, students investigate the social and political actions that make these forms of global culture possible.

Global Culture Studies students pursue theoretical and critical analyses into how the people of the world divide themselves in terms of their social and cultural identities; geographical spaces and places; and values and ideals.

Learn more about the following program offerings in Global Culture Studies:

Honors Specialization
Combined HBA

Global Gender Studies

The Honors Specialization in Global Gender Studies allows students to examine how processes of globalization, formations of global culture, and practices and problems of global development are organised by and are organising of gendered divisions and identities.  Students investigate how gender is established and experienced, on world-wide scales, in terms of differences, inequalities, privilege, violence, and relations of power.  And they study ways in which current gendered relations between persons, on political, social, cultural, and economic registers, may be thoughtfully interrogated, critically analysed, and constructively challenged.

This program is formed through a unique partnership between Huron’s Centre for Global Studies and Western’s Department of Women’s Studies and Feminist Research, and it is comprised from a set of courses drawn equally from both.  In this program of study, students learn to recognise gender and gendering as a set of problems in the world;  they study theories of gender and approaches to developing a focus on gender in their analyses of human interrelations;  and they develop considerable depth of study into specific problems of gender in contemporary global dynamics.

Students elaborate on this core focus by complicating the study of gender, in the contexts of globalization, global culture, and global development, with interrelated investigations into women’s studies, sexuality, queer studies, feminism, and studies in masculinity.  Students should expect to explore these themes and approaches to research and analysis in terms of such topics as:  global health;  intersections of race, class, and sexuality;  cultural resistance;  poverty;  law and social change;  transnational social movements;  humanitarian interventions;  divisions of labour and capitalism;  human rights politics;  and nationalisms, ethnicities, and family structures.

Honours Specialization

Global Rights Studies

The modules designed for the program in Global Rights Studies provide students with unique, responsible, and timely approaches to the critical study and support of persons’ and peoples’ rights within a global context.  They are both prepared in recognition of the fact that most universalist principles, laws, and approaches to protect rights, paradoxically and typically, are exclusionary in character.  These proposed modules resist the study of rights in a contained or determined sense, as is the case when conceived in the form of “human rights.”  From this position, these modules offer students opportunities to study how the rights of persons, particularly those of individuals and groups who experience marginalisation or exclusion in rights protection and respect for their rights claims, face contested politics of claiming and asserting autonomy, rights, and self–determination on world–wide bases.  It is a program of study into the inevitable struggle for the right to rights.

Learn more about the following program offerings in Global Rights Studies:

Honors Specialization

Alumni Stories

Rigorous interdisciplinary study in the Centre for Global Studies prepares students for graduate and professional study, and for careers defined by addressing complex challenges. Our graduates embark on post-grad journeys that require critical thinking, engaging respectfully with others, and strong communications skills. We are honoured to share some of their stories here.

  • Huron students are motivated by our Liberal Arts perspectives, and we're going to take them in different directions to create a better world.
    Annika Lui
    Venture for Canada Fellow
    Read more


Graduates of the Centre for Global Studies are well prepared for rewarding careers and community engagement. Alumni have gone on to a wide range of pursuits, from development work abroad, to grassroots not-for-profits, to entrepreneurship. Our grads go on to things such as:

Where will a degree in Global Studies take you?
  • Interdisciplinary graduate school programs in: Global Development; Social, Political and Cultural Theory; International Affairs; Migration; Media & Film; Journalism
  • Disciplinary graduate school programs in: Anthropology; Economics; English; Geography; History; Linguistics
  • Law
  • Business school
  • Social entrepreneurship
  • Local, national and international Non-Governmental Organizations
  • International Development
  • Civil service

Chinese, Japanese and East Asia Studies

Leaders with Heart must understand a wide range of global forces to effectively navigate our rapidly changing interconnected world. What better way to develop these insights than by building an awareness of the business, religious, linguistic and cultural practices of one of the most influential areas in the world.

Distinguish yourself as a leader who can bridge North American and East Asian organizations. Develop the cultural sensitivity and foundational understanding about how different perspectives can be balanced to motivate action and achieve economic and social good.

At Huron you’ll find a highly flexible program featuring small, intimate classes, personalized coaching and opportunities for imaginative, independent research and hands-on learning. So, prepare to become immersed in the beauty, complexity and intrigue of East Asia.



Learn from professors who have a deep knowledge of China and East Asia more broadly. This faculty comes together, from across the world, to lead students to a more fulsome understanding of these rich cultures, the societal foundations they are built upon, and the people who define them. This department is dedicated to incorporating critical thought, intensive research elements, interactive activities and community engagement projects to ensure students engage with well-rounded learning environments.

Take time to get to know the names and faces who will be supporting you every step of the way as you embark on an enriching exploration of China.

  • I am so excited about the opportunity to teach students about Japan - its language, culture and people. Our community creates cross-cultural learning experiences so Huron students are able to really engage with this unique place and its personalities, from half a world away.
    Rie Shirakawa
    Lecturer, Japanese Program
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  • Japan, with its aesthetic, cultural and social intricacies, is a beautiful place that Huron students have the opportunity to explore through our Japanese program.
    Sawako Akai, PhD
    Associate Professor, Japanese
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  • Learn about the cultural, social and linguistic traits of one of the most influential powers in the world. Chinese Studies will help you to better understand what events and which people have most significantly shaped China’s extraordinary past, present - and, before long, future.
    Lifang (Lucy) He, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Chinese Studies
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  • Asian Studies gives students the unique opportunity to learn about a beautiful culture - thousands of kilometres away - while learning critical thinking, creative writing and developing their global perspective.
    Michiya Kawai, PhD
    Associate Professor and Co-ordinator, Japanese Program
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  • I teach Chinese literature and language with passion and academic rigor. I integrate comparative, cross-cultural perspectives into my teaching and provide stimulating intellectual space for a diverse body of students.
    Yan Lu, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Chinese
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  • My teaching aims to help students to increase their capacity and commitment to well-informed international and intercultural understanding.
    Clare Gordon, PhD
    Assistant Professor & Co-ordinator, Chinese Program
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Chinese Studies

The Chinese language program offers a balanced four-level program of listening, speaking, reading and writing standard Chinese. A primary goal is to provide a solid foundation in pronunciation, grammar, and proficiency in the four language skills in the first three levels. Courses at the fourth level serve to facilitate students attaining competence in reading authentic modern writings, with the aid of a dictionary.

For students who have attained fluency, elective courses are offered to explore specific aspects of Chinese language and culture, in film, business, literature, and communication.

China Studies

The Chinese language program offers a balanced four-level program of listening, speaking, reading and writing standard Chinese. A primary goal is to provide a solid foundation in pronunciation, grammar, and proficiency in the four language skills in the first three levels. Courses at the fourth level serve to facilitate students attaining competence in reading authentic modern writings, with the aid of a dictionary.

For students who have attained fluency, elective courses are offered to explore specific aspects of Chinese language and culture, in film, business, literature, and communication.

Minor in Chinese Studies
Minor in Chinese Business Communications
Minor in China Studies

East Asia Studies

The East Asia Studies Major helps students combine language courses at successive levels of study with courses in culture and literature and in social science approaches to understanding the area.

Major in East Asia Studies
Minor in East Asia Studies

Japanese Studies

Huron University College offers a variety of Japanese courses that provide opportunities for students to acquire the breadth and depth of knowledge of Japan that will prepare them for a range of careers in the international arena. In the twenty-first century, the expanding global demands and dimensions of most fields will require people trained in languages and intercultural communication.

As the second-largest economy in the world, Japan will continue to play a crucial role in international affairs. Japanese studies at Huron equips students with the linguistic and cultural knowledge of Japan that they will need in such careers as international business, law, academics and others.

Japan Studies

Huron University College offers a variety of Japanese courses that provide opportunities for students to acquire the breadth and depth of knowledge of Japan that will prepare them for a range of careers in the international arena. In the twenty-first century, the expanding global demands and dimensions of most fields will require people trained in languages and intercultural communication.

As the second-largest economy in the world, Japan will continue to play a crucial role in international affairs. Japanese studies at Huron equips students with the linguistic and cultural knowledge of Japan that they will need in such careers as international business, law, academics and others.

Minor in Japan Studies

Alumni Stories

East Asian Studies have prepared our alumni for extraordinary success within a variety of careers. Employers look for people with the ability to analyze information, find creative solutions to problems and  effectively communicate their ideas: Graduates of this program of all of these skills – what’s more, they’re paired with a thorough understanding regarding the historical, cultural, linguistic and social influences that spur and halt change within and between cultures.

Read stories about alumni from this exciting program, and learn how to distinguish yourself – personally and professionally – as a globally-focused Leader with Heart.

  • International experiences at Huron have shaped me into the person I am today.
    Nicole Pyszka
    Japan Exchange
    Read more

East Asian Studies Careers

East Asia Studies will prepare you for a variety of careers; employers today are looking for people with the ability to analyze information, to find creative solutions to problems and to effectively communicate their ideas. These skills are acquired when studying language and literature.

Where will a degree in East Asia Studies take you?
  • Teaching (Foreign Language in Canada)
  • Teaching (English in East Asia)
  • Graduate studies on East Asia
  • Interpreters/translators
  • Canadian and International Business (in East Asia)
  • NGOs
  • Politics
  • Journalism
  • Diplomatic services
  • Intelligence analyst
  • Foreign services
  • Marketing


Economics at Huron is about much more than numbers and finances – it’s essential to our understanding of complex contemporary issues. We broaden the discipline to help students understand historical trends, interpret today’s headlines and make predictions for coming decades.

Learn how and why things work the way they do, so you can influence positive change in resource management and the wealth of local and global communities.


Economics Professors

Our Economics specialize in a diverse array of topics that will encourage students to develop a thorough understanding of concepts and tools, related to the field of economics, that position them for success throughout their chosen career path. Learn about the people who will form your support network and guide you along the way toward becoming a Leader with Heart who understands how the world works – and the ways in which economics defines our relationships between one another, our culture, society and so much more.

  • Economics is about more than just people. It's an enriching exploration into the social and economic trends that influence and shape one another, resulting in transformative human experiences.
    Mahdiyeh Entezarkheir, PhD
    Associate Professor, Economics
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  • My teaching aims to inspire curiosity, to develop critical minds, to cultivate humility in the face of complexity, and to impart economic thinking and techniques.
    Michael Kottelenberg, PhD
    Associate Professor, Economics
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Minor in Economic Theory

The Minor in Economic Theory aims to provide students with an introduction to methods of economic analysis and to equip them with the analytical skills needed to examine a variety of social and economic issues.

Learn more about the Minor.

Major in Economics

An Economics Major will provide a strong foundation in economic concepts and tools. The required and elective courses will help students develop the capacity to apply these concepts tangibly within local and global economies. Students will learn how economics influences humanity, as well as how to affect economic change through public policy.

These modules may be combined with the study of another discipline as part of an Honors Double Major degree.

Learn more about Huron’s Economics Major.

Honors Specialization in Economics

The Honors Specialization is designed for students who want to take a deeper dive into the subject matter and focus intensively on better understanding how various economic factors influence human life.

Students who pursue this pointed exploration into our global economies may wish to work as professional economists or may be interested in careers in business, commerce, finance or government.  These programs combine theoretical studies with applied work in the discipline, and will also provide a great foundation for those who wish to pursue post-graduate studies in Economics.

Learn more about the Honors Specialization in Economics.

Learn more about the Honors Specialization Faculty of Arts and Social Science at Huron/HBA Progam

Major in Finance

Our Finance Major has been designed to position students as thought-leaders in this ever-changing and growing area of business. Students who choose to pursue this major will gain in-depth knowledge regarding finance theory, financial institutions, analysis and risk management.

This major is helpful for students looking to enter into banking, financial analysis, investment, as well as a broad range of service firms or government organizations.

Learn more about Huron’s Finance Major.

Alumni Stories

Learn where the study of human material wealth and its interplay with social, political and cultural influencers has taken our Huron grads.

If you want to emulate their success in economics, Huron can help you get there. Our professors look forward to supporting you to join our alumni’s esteemed network and contributing to our globally-focused legacy.

  • My colleagues and leadership team ensured I had the opportunities to make meaningful contributions to our work environment, and the company more broadly.
    Kristen Kodric
    Young Alumna
    Read more
  • Huron students are motivated by our Liberal Arts perspectives, and we're going to take them in different directions to create a better world.
    Annika Lui
    Venture for Canada Fellow
    Read more
  • Huron was not an easy set of years for me – I had to work really hard. I only saw results when I put in the time, and Huron taught me the importance of putting in that time.
    Adam Deif, BA'04
    Head of Industry, Google
    Read more

Economics Careers

Students who have an interest in careers in business, commerce, finance or government often choose a program of study in Economics. Graduates are well prepared for graduate school and a variety of professions.

Where will a degree in Economics take you?
  • Market analyst
  • Foreign exchange trader
  • Investment counselling
  • Public administration
  • Lawyer
  • Brokerage firms
  • Financial service sector
  • Policy analyst
  • Portfolio management

English and Cultural Studies

Do you want to leave a good impression on people? Do you want to be able to persuade them to understand your perspective and motivate action? Then, you need to learn how to articulate your thoughts – regardless of whether you’re speaking or writing.

English and Cultural Studies looks at the importance of storytelling to human life and culture. This new program will enhance your ability to empathize with diverse narratives, as well as sculpt your own in ways that influence people and positive change.



Our English & Cultural Studies professors are exceptionally passionate about their course material, and they want to share their excitement about storytelling with you. That’s why, this department prioritizes their relationships with students and ensures they are able to nurture talents and interests by providing individualized support. Learn about the educators who will guide you along the journey from timeless literary works through to modern articles and analyzes that speak to the challenges, opportunities and adventures that define humanity and our relationship with the world.

  • I profoundly believe in the value of a radical pedagogy. For me, this kind of teaching means that I seek to go beyond the practice of simply offering my students some kind of knowledge but that I challenge what they have come to understand as knowledge, or what is normal, or natural, or to be expected in the course of their lives.
    Teresa Hubel, PhD
    Professor, English and Cultural Studies
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  • What is the goal of your teaching? My teaching aims to inspire students to confront and actively respond to the critical problems raised in the works I teach while also encouraging them to find creative outputs (e.g. performance, digital design) to express these views.
    Scott Schofield, PhD
    Associate Professor and Chair, English and Cultural Studies
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  • Through truly incredible teamwork, our students have entertained thousands of people, but more than that, they’ve helped foster sensitivity and empathy by creating experiences to connect with groups they may have otherwise never interacted with.
    Neil Brooks, PhD
    Professor Emeritus, English & Cultural Studies
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  • My teaching aims to explore the meaning and purpose of human culture, through a close study of historical and contemporary cultural forms, in both traditional and contemporary media.
    John Vanderheide, PhD
    Associate Professor, English and Cultural Studies
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English for Teachers

Do you dream about inspiring a love of English culture and literature in the next generation of Leaders with Heart? If you’re considering becoming a teacher who is able to support their students to think critically, produce creative arguments and recognize the relevance of thematic patterns that may form the basis of potent arguments, explore your potential to change lives with the power of transformational narratives.

Learn more about the English for Teachers minor.

Contemporary English Literature

Study literature with a focus on those works generally produced after World War I. Look at how contemporary literature re-imagines history, genre and identity, and draw comparisons and connections to the ways we currently analyze and depict our circumstances. Learn to sharpen and raise your voice to tell your own story in ways that inspire understanding, relationship-building and the achievement of your personal and professional goals.

Pair this minor with another focus in the Liberal Arts; theology or Management & Organizational Studies to gain a fulsome set of skills that will prepare you to be a great asset to any team or industry.

Learn more about the Contemporary English Literature Minor. 

English and Cultural Studies

Study the most valued literature in English alongside cultural works that lie beyond traditionally celebrated authors. Engage with popular culture such as young adult fiction, digital writing, graphic novels, lyrics, comic books, and film.

Take advantage of the opportunity to explore what constitutes “English” literature, as you examine global literatures and narratives in the English language alongside those from the U.K., Ireland, and North America.

Learn more about the following program offerings in English and Cultural Studies:

Honors Specialization

Combined Honors Specialization Faculty of Arts and Social Science at Huron/HBA





Studying English has led our alumni to inspire greatness with their mastery of comprehension, creative and critical thinking and communication. Learn where their unparalleled grasp of linguistics and literature have taken them, and start to imagine what you can achieve when you know how to motivate others to action through persuasive reasoning and empathy-building.

  • The Liberal Arts help you contextualize all these challenges within our past, present and future, which reinforces how we look at the world and how able we will be to change it.
    Natalie Cross
    Double Major in Political Science and English
    Read more
  • The practice of medicine is not about cells. It's about human beings and that, above all else, is what the Liberal Arts teaches you to understand.
    Don Melady, BA'81
    Physician, Mount Sinai Hospital
    Read more
  • Huron gave me competence academically and socially. My education taught me how to communicate with people from all walks of life, including those in positions of authority.
    Taylor Harris
    From Huron to Cambridge
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English and Cultural Studies Careers

The question is not what can you do with an English degree – it’s what can’t you do! Students who take on the challenging subject matter of English & Culture Studies develop a breadth and depth of skills that catalyze their upward momentum in any number of careers, across countless sectors. Whether you want to pursue graduate studies or build brand awareness for a Fortune 500 company, your skills as a writer, researcher and presenter will set you apart and secure your position as a team leader who is looked to for imagination, empathy and motivational communication.

Where will a degree in English & Cultural Studies take you?
  • Copywriter
  • Editor or Editorial assistant
  • Teacher
  • Journalist (digital or traditional)
  • Proofreader
  • Content strategist, manager and producer
  • Human resources specialist
  • Librarian
  • Advertising account executive
  • Lawyer
  • Public relations specialist
  • Marketing communications maven
  • Technical writer and/or editor
  • Web content manager
  • SEO specialist
  • Social media manager
  • Author
  • Corporate communications director
  • Philanthropy/grant writer

French Studies

French is spoken by 220 million people around the world and we invite you to lead the conversation. Huron offers a rigorous program that includes intensive one-on-one mentoring with professors and numerous opportunities to collaborate on original research.

Deepen your understanding of the world by seeing it through another perspective with the ability to understand the complex nuances of another language.

Students in a French Program at Huron become skilled in using the French Language in all types of communication through the in-depth study of grammar, composition, professional French, translation, and conversation. Our Leaders with Heart are also given the opportunity to explore many different aspects of French and Francophone literature and film. This diversification allows Huron’s students to construct a program in French according to personal aptitudes, interests, and goals. The well-rounded educations given in all French programs prepare students for future careers in Canada and in French-speaking countries.



The French program at Huron is built upon a small and dedicated group of professors who have exemplary knowledge of the French language – and culture that surrounds it. They’re excited to work with you to help build your linguistic competency and support your engagement with important French texts, events and experiences that will encourage your development of a sophisticated grasp of this influential global partner.

Learn more about the professors who are going to help you become a bi-lingual Leader with Heart.

  • My teaching aims to keep my students motivated in studying French language, literature and culture in a stimulating, relaxed and productive learning environment and to help them become independent thinkers.
    Mariana Ionescu, PhD
    Associate Professor, French
    Read more
French Language

Sharpen your French language skills, so you are better able to share your ideas and experiences with a broader range of people. With its focus on grammar, translation and oration, the French Language Minor can help you further develop the linguistic capacity you established in public school. Paired with another subject in the Liberal Arts or a business-focused degree, you’ll gain valuable skills that will help you excel as a local and global Leader with Heart.

Learn more about the French Language Minor.

French Studies

Broaden and deepen your knowledge of the French language and culture. Intensively study French grammar, linguistics, speech and so much more. Analyze some of the most major and influential French texts, while being taught the essential skills of literary analysis in a second language.

Sharpen your understanding of the major aspects of French and Francophone literatures and cultures, their particular histories as well as their relationship to the larger discipline of arts and humanities.

Learn more about the following degree programs offered through French Studies:

French Language and Literature

Your exploration of French Language and Literature will help you attain an extraordinary knowledge of Canada’s “other” official language. You will reach beyond basic linguistic competency to become a highly-capable French speaker who can pull from literary, cultural and historical references during discussions with Francophone and French audiences.

From grappling with significant French texts through to intensive grammatical work and the development of a solid linguistic foundation, French Language and Literature courses will pique and satisfy your curiosity about this formidable language and culture.

As your progress through your degree, you may choose to partake in specialized courses that deal with specific literary and cultural topics, themes and issues that will cross historical, generic and cultural borders. You may also take advantage of research-intensive courses and community-based learning opportunities.

Learn more about the following programs offered in French Studies:

Honors Specialization

Alumni Stories

Our incredible alumni have gone on to pursue a diverse range of career and graduate opportunities. Employers are looking for something that distinguishes you from all the other applicants. If you have competency in a second language, especially French in the Canadian market, it is an advantage in many job situations.

  • I decided to study French because I wanted something that would set me apart from others when I graduated.
    Julia Smith BA'18
    BA, French and Psychology
    Read more

Careers - French Studies

French is the official language of over thirty different countries and is spoken in many more located on all five continents. A knowledge of French is your passport to making friends, establishing business contacts and interacting on the world stage. Grads of the French Studies program go on to a diverse range of careers in things such as:

Where will a degree in French Studies take you?
  • Law
  • Journalism
  • Publishing
  • Civil Service
  • Foreign Service
  • Canada-wide Companies
  • Travel and Tourism
  • International Business
  • Library Sciences (Books, Film, Music)
  • United Nations
  • Translating/Interpreting
  • Teaching
  • Armed Forces
  • Politics
  • Humanitarian Aid

Governance, Leadership and Ethics

Students who will thrive in Huron’s new Major in Governance, Leadership & Ethics (GLE) recognize we live and work in an increasingly complex, interdependent and uncertain world. They understand, or are to determined to understand, the need for new decision-making models and the influences of different leadership styles. They are keen to participate in civic affairs and contribute to the well-being of their local and global communities.

GLE is designed to help students fully grasp the challenges of contemporary governance and develop the know-how for leadership that is inclusive, accountable and effective. The goal of GLE is to develop Leaders with Heart who are able to meet the growing demand for ethical and transformative leadership in the private, public and non-profit sectors.



You know professors are dedicated to their students’ learning when faculty members across multiple departments come together to create a unique interdisciplinary learning experience that intersects a wide variety of programs, while also incorporating intensive research and community engagement opportunities.

During your pursuit of a Governance, Leadership & Ethics specialization, you will work with a faculty advisor to develop individual research-learning opportunities and connect with community-based and professional organizations for experiences where theory meets practice.

Learn more about professors who are going to help you fully grasp the ever-changing challenges facing our world’s Leaders – within and beyond the classroom.

  • Our students will be called to serve in a rapidly changing and complex world. Collaborative leadership and ethical governance are increasingly crucial to ensuring the common good. Rather than “trading off” the economy, environment, and community, we need to find ways to work together for sustainable, inclusive development.
    Neil Bradford, PhD
    Coordinator and Professor - Governance Leadership and Ethics (GLE); Professor, Political Science
    Read more
  • The two greatest influences on Dr. Irwin’s personal approach to teaching are John Dewey and his focus on community, democracy and the engaged citizen, and Paulo Freire and his advocacy of critical pedagogy as a means of understanding how hegemony works, how oppression occurs and using education to resist oppression and engage agency.
    Bill Irwin, PhD
    Professor Emeritus, Management and Organizational Studies, Professor, Governance, Leadership and Ethics
    Read more
  • My philosophy is to assist students in their development of professional judgment for management through breadth and depth of understanding of theories and how organizations work “in the real world.
    Jan Klakurka, C.Dir., CPA, CA, MBA, CMC, APF
    Associate Professor, Management and Organizational Studies,
    Read more
Governance, Leadership & Ethics

Huron’s GLE Major integrates teaching, research and community-based learning (CBL) into the analysis of organizational behaviour, civic engagement and social responsibility in decision making.

Students majoring in GLE are required to take three courses:

– Governance
– Introduction to Ethics and Value Theory
– Leadership

After successfully completing these courses, they may choose from selected courses from three groupings:

– The Governance Group
– The Leadership Group
– The Ethics Group

Learn more about the Governance, Leadership & Ethics major.


Leaders with Heart need to know how to conduct their teams and themselves in ways that protect and promote positive values. There are huge differences between people in positions of power who take it, rather than earning the admiration and cooperation of their follows. Learn how Governance, Leadership & Ethics has helped Huron graduates to lead others more successfully toward their goals – in community, corporate, government and other various sectors.

If you want to Lead with Heart like these strategic individuals, considering studying within this program to refine your understanding of how to motivate others in ways that command respect.

  • Volunteering is essential for developing a compassionate heart and a realistic worldview.
    Ailin Chant
    Fourth year, Major, Governance, Leadership, & Ethics, Minor, Health Sciences
    Read more

Governance, Leadership and Ethics Careers

Graduates from Huron’s GLE program will be prepared for leadership roles in government, business and the non-profit sector. GLE graduates will also be prepared to pursue advanced study in graduate studies in the social sciences or at professional schools in business or law.

Where will a degree in Governance, Leadership and Ethics take you?
  • Civil service
  • Government/International agency advisors
  • Policy researchers/consultants
  • Journalism
  • Media
  • Film
  • Business
  • Advocates/Volunteers in community organizations


History at Huron is a dynamic and exciting department that explores the rich and varied landscapes of the human past. A sense of the past is essential to personal identity, national unity and international co-existence. Yet, modern society makes the past increasingly elusive. The study of History produces an awareness of the fragility of our knowledge of the past, and the critical tools we need to examine the many versions of the past offered to us.

Studying History cultivates empathy, bring precision and energy to your writing, and connects you to professional networks. Our programs offer unparalleled opportunities for hands-on archival research, digital scholarship, research travel, local and global partnerships, and collaboration with faculty. In a world rocked by questions about truth, evidence and the nature of human understanding, history matters.



We are a diverse and international group of scholars.  As a collegial unit, we thrive on collaborative and innovative teaching and support each others’ impressive publication records. Our research, which is focused on the modern era, links the study of the past with vital social and political issues of today: indigenous rights, gender equality, the environment, education, modern slavery, citizenship and issues of law and justice.

  • China has a rich history that spans countless centuries, making a study of its cultural practices over time an extraordinarily interesting academic endeavour. I look forward to supporting my students to learn about the significant political, military and social discourses that have shaped this world power - and its many dynamic dynasties.
    Jun Fang, PhD
    Professor, History
    Read more
  • My goal when I teach is to transform how my students think. In particular, I want students to recognize the importance of historical context to understanding the contemporary world.
    Geoff Read, PhD
    Provost and Dean of Arts and Social Science
    Read more

History and memory are at the heart of all human experience. Studying History is key to understanding contemporary culture, and to unlocking hope for a future that holds endless capacity for change.

Our courses offer global perspectives, taking you to the leading edge of historical scholarship through our faculty research expertise, and award-winning teaching.

History builds flexible and practical skills in research, writing, crafting argument, collaboration, public engagement, and a sense of empathy. History students at Huron have unparalleled opportunities for hands-on historical research, travel, and experiential learning in the local community and through international collaboration and study. Our programs easily combine with study in a range of other disciplines, or with our unique and innovative minors, including Public History, and History of the Book.

Learn more about History programs:
Honors Specialization
Combined Honors Specialization Faculty of Arts and Social Science at Huron/HBA

Public History

Huron’s Minor in Public History–the first undergraduate Public History program in Canada—promotes critical reflection about the meaning of the past, and develops digital communication and research skills. Students learn through community-based and active history partnerships with museums, heritage organizations, libraries and archives.

A joint program offered by Huron University College, King’s University College and Western University, Public History at Huron will teach you new ways to communicate about history in and beyond museums, archives, historical sites, film, fiction, on the web, and public discourse and policy making.

You can combine the module with a History Honors Specialization, Major or Specialization, or with modules in other disciplines at Huron or at Western such as Archaeology, Classical Studies, Geography, Visual Art, Museum and Curatorial Studies, and Media, Information and Technoculture.


History of the Book

The new Minor in History of the Book is a joint program Huron’s English and Cultural Studies at Huron. Courses introduce you to the field of book studies, provide opportunities to create digital scholarship, and give you new perspective on historical study and evidence.

The program features collaborative workshops, community-based research, and a capstone course in Huron’s new Letterpress Studio.

Learn more about History of the Book.

Pacific Rim Studies

Pacific Rim Studies offers interdisciplinary and cross-regional studies of East Asia and North America, focusing on the common, comparative, and interactive aspects of the lives of the peoples in the Pacific Rim region.

While encouraging students to find commonalities between disciplines, Pacific Rim Studies Minor will also introduce them to a diversity of approaches, primary sources and intellectual traditions that shape this dynamic transnational and interdisciplinary research area.

The minor will benefit students interested in the fields of law, education and policy making, and any field which builds on the connections between the regions which form the Pacific Rim.

Learn more about the Pacific Rim Studies minor.

Histories of Africa and the African Diasporas

This interdisciplinary module offers the only program in African history in the Western family of history departments. Learn critical perspectives on the histories of Africa, histories of the African Diaspora in the Americas, and the histories of Africa and African Diasporas in a global context.

Choose from our unique-to-Huron courses in African history, and from courses across a range of programs at Huron and Western, including English and Cultural Studies, Global Studies, Theology, Women’s Studies, Geography, and Political Science.

Learn more about the Histories of Africa and the African Diasporas minor.

World History

Designed for students completing a major or specialization in a discipline or program other than History, this module offers global perspectives that draw on our unique suite of world history courses.

Including electives from across Huron programs, the World History minor complements modules in a wide range of fields, including Management and Organizational Studies, Global Studies, Philosophy, and Political Science.

Learn more about the World History minor.

Studies in Imperialism

Study empire and colonialism, enslavement and dispossession, and the power of resistance movements to challenge and dismantle the structures of imperial power through the global history courses and cross-disciplinary options in the Studies in Imperialism minor.  Understanding the history of imperialism is key to understanding the contemporary world, including Canada’s place in a global context.

Learn more about the Studies in Imperialism minor.

Atlantic World

Study the interconnected cultures, literatures, and histories of the Atlantic World through a module that includes elective courses from across the Faculty of Arts and Social Science at Huron. The courses in the module highlight theme of revolution, slavery, emancipation, imperialism and post-colonial movements, Enlightenment, and women’s activism.

Learn more about the Atlantic World minor.

Chinese History

This module includes engaging and unique-to-Huron courses in the history and culture of China. The minor is designed to complement studies in a range disciplines, including BMOS, Global Great Books, and Governance, Leadership and Ethics.

Learn more about the Chinese History minor.

Alumni Stories

Our History alumni have outstanding records in graduate and professional studies after Huron, and are employed in a range of fields, from digital communications, management, law, education, journalism, film and publishing to urban planning and global health policy.

Read more about our outstanding History graduates.

  • Huron's experiential learning opportunities enabled me to extend my knowledge far beyond what I learned in class. This helped me develop a robust understanding and skillset that I am able to apply to my pursuits of Leadership with Heart.
    Emily Abbott
    History & Political Science
    Read more

History Careers

History leads the humanities as preparation for careers in law, management, public service, and education. Beyond those pathways, a Huron History degree gives you the flexibility and experience you need to take on any career you can imagine. Our programs will take your studies to the leading edge of research in the humanities and transform the way you think about the past, the way you see the present, and the way you frame your future.

Also, visit the Canadian Historical Association’s website to delve deeper into where a degree in History could take you!


Canadian Historical Society

Where will a degree in History take you?
  • Business
  • Journalism
  • Publishing
  • Marketing
  • Tourism
  • Finance
  • Digital communications
  • Curriculum development
  • Public service
  • Heritage
  • Film
  • Teaching
  • Law
  • Social work
  • Administration

Jewish Studies

The culture and history of the Jewish people extends across more than three millennia, from Biblical times to the present, and spans most of the world, from the Middle East to Latin American and from Eastern Europe to North America. Jewish Studies at Huron offers students an interdisciplinary look at the history of Judaism and the Jews, examining the religious, social, economic, and cultural development of Judaism and Jewish life, and relationships between Jews and other communities.



As a collaborative and interdisciplinary program, Jewish Studies offers students unique access to several different personalities and areas of expertise, as they are given the opportunity to study under professors from each of the affiliate colleges and Western University. However, as our students call Huron home, they can trust they will always receive individualized support from experts in this field who are excited about guiding their students to a greater understanding of Jewish linguistics, culture and history.

  • What I hope to do is to get students to see how ideas – even complicated ones – have a bearing on the practical concerns that we face every day of our lives.
    David Conter, PhD
    Associate Professor, Philosophy
    Read more
Jewish Studies

Learn more about the following programs offered in Jewish Studies:


Alumni Stories

An academic pursuit centred around the brilliance and resilience of the Jewish people has prepared our alumni to tackle extraordinarily challenging careers that demand critical thinking skills, cultural sensitivity and fine-tuned argumentation and communication abilities. Learn about where Jewish Studies has propelled our alumni and gain an appreciation for our these unique course offerings can empower you to be Leader with Heart across a wide variety of sectors.

  • Female entrepreneurs should never give up. There’s a lot of naysayers, but if you believe in something with your whole heart, don’t give up, just work toward it
    Sonja Fernandes, BA'12 Philosophy
    Founder, SF&Co
    Read more
  • Alfred Apps
    BA '79, Philosophy
    Read more


With increased empathy and globally-focused historical and cultural knowledge, Jewish Studies graduates are prepared to contribute significant value to a wide range of rewarding career paths. Whether they chose to pursue further study or leverage their transferrable skills across corporate, government and non-profit sectors, these Leaders with Heart will stand out as critical analysts, expert writers and skilled researchers and linguists.

Where will a degree in Jewish Studies take you?
  • Lawyer
  • Historian
  • Public and high school teacher
  • Professor
  • Business executive and strategist
  • Journalist
  • Accountant
  • Financial service consultant
  • Theologian
  • Salesperson
  • Social worker
  • Lobbyist
  • Community activist and service worker
  • Non-profit professional

Major and Minor in Religion and Theology

Gain critical knowledge and skills for understanding the way religious and theological issues have evolved and continue to influence contemporary life and culture, in a context that encourages discussion, reflection, and research.  Even if you’re not religious, studying religion can help you understand the complex world we live in.

Religious beliefs and practices can have a huge impact on how individuals and groups make social, economic, and political decisions, and it’s important for Leaders with Heart to understand these complex issues to make well-informed, compassionate and effective decision.


Religion and Theology Studies Professors

Our professors are delighted about this new program offering: they can’t wait to support a broader range of students to discover the value of theological and religious investigation. No matter where you come from or what you believe, our professors are confident they will help you develop transferrable skills that will help you Lead with Heart in your local and global communities. Prepare to be challenged by educators who are passionate about critical analysis, character development and fostering enlightening conversations. Bring your boldest ideas to your classes and prepare to develop new perspectives that better reflect our ever-changing world.

  • I allow myself to feel the anger, sadness, despair over the things that humans are capable of doing in order to understand the phenomenon - in order to limit, to minimize, the things that cause the despair.
    Tracy Lemos, PhD
    Professor, Theology
    Read more
  • It is sometimes said that ‘we never read the Bible alone’ because we are all influenced, whether we know or acknowledge it, by traditional ways of reading and patterns of interpretation. I always have this in mind in my research and teaching on the New Testament and other early Christian writings.
    Daniel A. Smith, PhD
    Dean of Theology
    Read more
  • My teaching aim is to introduce, broaden, and enrich students' knowledge of Christian liturgical studies. Liturgy encompasses many different disciplines in addition to engaging students in both academic research and pastoral application.
    The Rev. Lizette Larson-Miller, PhD
    Huron-Lawson Chair of Pastoral Theology
    Read more
Religion and Theology

Huron has launched a brand new program to better serve the needs an interests of our diverse student population. For those of you who aren’t familiar with the difference between religion and theology, here’s a simple comparison:

  • Religious Studies tends to look at different religions from around the world, comparing and contrasting them to deal with questions like, “What is religion?” and how do practices, views and literature compare between different belief systems?


  • Theology takes more of a deep dive into particular religions, so you can develop a specific and fulsome understanding of what that religion is composed of and how it affects followers

Engage with this program to explore both of these exciting avenues of religious and theological contemplation. You’ll learn to successfully and compassionately navigate complex cultural and social situations, as well as gain a deeper appreciation for the trials and tribulations faced by minority groups who refused to concede to corruption in order to protect their beliefs.

Alumni Stories

The study of religion and theology enables students to dig deeper and find out about the literature, history and current practices of religions around the world. By developing their understanding of such a significant and complex area of influence for humanity, alumni who pursue this area of study are well positioned to work all over the world in positions of leadership.

Learn how Huron has helped empower religion and theology students to more effectively navigate conversations, situations and social change. If you see yourself in the stories of these Leaders with Heart, consider exploring this area of study more thoroughly to determine if it’s the right fit for you.

  • The Faculty is a citadel of excellence and Huron’s longstanding traditions set it apart. I would recommend Huron because of the quality of education it offers, the level of spiritual development it fosters, the excellent professors, and the school’s library − whose staff and resources help ensure students’ success.
    John Olufemi Adeyemi
    3rd Year student, MDiv
    Read more
  • You develop within classes that foster critical thinking; challenge you to ask complex questions; and learn how to understand the world in a more human way.
    Beth Koudys
    Honours BA, Master of Divinity ‘14
    Read more
  • I found my spark and pursued it at Huron, and the experience was phenomenal.
    Michael Bodkin
    Master of Arts (Theology) Graduate, PhD (Western University)
    Read more

Major and Minor in Religion and Theology Careers

Our Theology graduates are ready to inspire citizens around the world. Whether they want to support people to find their faith or they want to become a potent Leader with Heart in a corporate or community position, our alumni have the heightened perspective, relationship-building skills and leadership qualities to make positive differences in any work environment.

Learn about where the study of theology and religion can take you. Trust that Huron’s unique learning environments and legacy of teaching excellence will create the ideal educational setting for your journey toward enhanced understanding of the power, influence and issues particular to this exciting area of study.

Where will a degree in Theology take you?
  • Clergy
  • Minister
  • Politician
  • Teacher
  • Lawyer
  • Professor
  • Writer
  • Philosopher


  • Theologian
  • Lobbyist
  • Community advocate/activist
  • Global development agent

Management and Organizational Studies

Whether you enjoy crunching numbers or contemplating economic theories, combining solid business training with social sciences equips you for any number of careers and provides you with the valuable skills most sought after in the workplace. Management and Organizational Studies (MOS) at Huron offers you a variety of courses and modules to pursue in the areas of accounting, finance, business administration, management, organizational studies, policy and ethics. The BMOS degree provides a stepping-stone to post-graduate professional designations, such as CPA and CFA, and good preparation for a wide variety of business careers.



Our strength stems from our small size, the tremendous drive for success of our students and the personal commitment of our faculty. Huron’s MOS professors are not only seasoned educators, but the majority can contribute significant real-world experience to their classroom environments. Students will have the opportunity to study under, work and research with industry leaders who have connections to leverage and advice to give that may make the key difference in the success of your career.

  • Since the majority of the students in my course are beginning their post-secondary journey, my focus is on developing their ability to not only think critically, but also to have the confidence to communicate those insights effectively.
    Richie Bloomfield, MBA
    Assistant Professor, Management & Organizational Studies
    Read more
  • Finance is integrated in almost all aspects of our lives. My philosophy is to help students learn about the complexities of this subject and gain valuable skills, which will enhance their personal and professional lives, in the process.
    Srikanth Ramani
    Assistant Professor, Finance
    Read more
  • A major theme of my teaching and research focuses on how and why people pursue or neglect ethical, healthy, or environmentally-sustainable lifestyle choices.
    Matthew Maxwell-Smith, PhD
    Read more
  • Teaching and learning is also about the in-between spaces – beyond the lecture hall. Supporting student success involves building relationships between people and between ideas.
    Donna Kotsopoulos, PhD
    Professor, Management and Organizational Studies
    Read more
  • My teaching aims to instil in my students behaviours that will help them excel in the workplace: engagement, leadership, communication, and collaboration. I can also (hopefully) make accounting fun.
    Vicki Sweeney MBA, CPA, CMA
    Associate Dean, FASS, Assistant Professor, BMOS
    Read more
  • The two greatest influences on Dr. Irwin’s personal approach to teaching are John Dewey and his focus on community, democracy and the engaged citizen, and Paulo Freire and his advocacy of critical pedagogy as a means of understanding how hegemony works, how oppression occurs and using education to resist oppression and engage agency.
    Bill Irwin, PhD
    Professor Emeritus, Management and Organizational Studies, Professor, Governance, Leadership and Ethics
    Read more
  • My philosophy is to assist students in their development of professional judgment for management through breadth and depth of understanding of theories and how organizations work “in the real world.
    Jan Klakurka, C.Dir., CPA, CA, MBA, CMC, APF
    Associate Professor, Management and Organizational Studies,
    Read more
Management and Organizational Studies

The Major in Management and Organizational Studies is for students who want to achieve competency in the basic business disciplines and pursue another area of study in the arts or social sciences.  Must be combined with a second non-MOS Major in an honors degree.

Learn more about the Management and Organizational Studies major.

Organizational Studies, Policy, and Ethics

The Honors Specialization and Specialization in Organizational Studies, Policy, and Ethics are unique to Huron.  These programs combine a study of the basic business disciplines with study of the broader contexts for contemporary business practices in the fields of law, politics, governance and ethics.

Learn more about the following programs offered in Organizational Studies, Policy, and Ethics:

Honors Specialization

Finance and Administration

The Honors Specialization and Specialization in Finance and Administration are for students interested in a career in the financial sector.  Study markets, trade and financial decision-making, with an emphasis on the economic principles driving them.

Learn more about the following programs offered in Finance and Administration:

Honors Specialization


The Major in Accounting is for students who want to lay the groundwork for future accountancy studies yet pursue another subject interest.  Must be combined with a second non-MOS Major in an Honors degree.

Learn more about the following programs offered in Accounting:

Honors Specialization

Alumni Stories

Huron develops Leaders with Heart. These individuals are positioned to achieve exceptional professional success, but who remain committed to conducting themselves in ways that take into mind the needs of others and aim to benefit humanity – rather than just their pocketbooks. Our MOS grads demonstrate an extraordinary dedication to the principles that define Leadership with Heart, and we couldn’t be more proud of their ability to lead international empires, while also supporting vibrant communities and better futures.

Learn more about our MOS alumni and see how studying business at Huron can get you there.

  • My colleagues and leadership team ensured I had the opportunities to make meaningful contributions to our work environment, and the company more broadly.
    Kristen Kodric
    Young Alumna
    Read more
  • Huron’s MOS program gives you the opportunity to learn a lot about different industries and potential career options before you commit to a specialization. From course work through to seeking employment, you have close connections to your professors so they support you every step of the way.
    Nic Gil
    BMOS, Accounting, Class of 2018
    Read more
  • Huron students are motivated by our Liberal Arts perspectives, and we're going to take them in different directions to create a better world.
    Annika Lui
    Venture for Canada Fellow
    Read more

Management and Organizational Studies Careers

Don’t pigeonhole yourself into a singular career. Gain the skills you need to Lead with Heart, no matter where your interests and talents take you. The broad range of skills you will acquire in Management and Organizational Studies can lead to just about any career, inside or outside the business world.

Where will a degree in Management & Organizational Studies take you?
  • Accounting Professionals (CPA)
  • Banking/Finance
  • Business Consultant
  • Financial Analyst (CFA)
  • Financial Planner
  • Economist
  • Entrepreneur
  • Marketing/Sales/Market Research
  • Logistics
  • Project Management

Master of Arts

A rigorous academic program in theology, offering excellent preparation for doctoral research, or a superior terminal degree in theology (for those not wishing to pursue full doctoral studies), with an emphasis on the integration of theological vision and of the theological disciplines.

The Graduate MA is also a superior degree for those wishing to approach another field such as education, counselling, journalism or public policy from a perspective enriched by theological study.



Learn from and research under world-renowned experts in the exploration of Theology. Huron’s professors can each offer you unique perspectives, based on their specific areas of research. They look forward to welcoming you into an inclusive community where ideas are challenged, but also respected and sharing is always encouraged. Get to know the people who will support your graduate studies and empower you to become the type of student, and community member, who feels confident standing up for what you believe in, as well as the people who may be unable to advocate for themselves.

  • I allow myself to feel the anger, sadness, despair over the things that humans are capable of doing in order to understand the phenomenon - in order to limit, to minimize, the things that cause the despair.
    Tracy Lemos, PhD
    Professor, Theology
    Read more
  • It is sometimes said that ‘we never read the Bible alone’ because we are all influenced, whether we know or acknowledge it, by traditional ways of reading and patterns of interpretation. I always have this in mind in my research and teaching on the New Testament and other early Christian writings.
    Daniel A. Smith, PhD
    Dean of Theology
    Read more
  • My teaching aim is to introduce, broaden, and enrich students' knowledge of Christian liturgical studies. Liturgy encompasses many different disciplines in addition to engaging students in both academic research and pastoral application.
    The Rev. Lizette Larson-Miller, PhD
    Huron-Lawson Chair of Pastoral Theology
    Read more

Program Options

Prepare for an exciting and challenging course load that will combine investigations into important works of literature with research, discussions and energetic debates. The Master of Arts (Theology) at Huron is led by incredibly knowledgeable and accessible professors who will promote your maturation as a student and global Leader with Heart.

Please explore detailed Theology program regulations to determine whether this educational journey aligns with your goals.

Terms of Study:  

  • Fall term:  September – December (Normal admission term)
  • Winter term:  January – April
  • Summer Term:  May – August (Group A courses generally not offered)

Graduate students remain continuously enrolled in programs and are expected to be making academic progress in all three terms each year.

Part-time vs. Full-time:  

  • Full-time students complete in two years (six terms). (Maximum registration three years.)
  • Part-time students complete in three years (nine terms).  (Maximum registration four years.)
  • Those beginning as part-time students may later apply to the program to switch to full-time registration.
  • Those beginning as full-time students may only apply to switch to part-time registration under certain conditions.



Alumni Stories

Where will a Master of Arts (Theology) take you? Wherever you want to go! Develop the knowledge and skills to actively participate in complex conversations, projects and research that require you to be sensitive towards and understanding of how different belief systems intersect and interact with one another.

Some of our alumni have gone on to pursue further study, while others have put their refined critical thinking and communication skills to work in a wide variety of careers. With their developed appreciation for our global communities – past and present – these Leaders with Heart stand out as master relationship builders, storytellers and curious learners.

  • I really loved the faculty and staff at Huron and will always be grateful for their positive influence on my personal and academic life.
    Mahdieh Mirmohammadi
    Master of Arts (Theology)
    Read more
  • The Faculty is a citadel of excellence and Huron’s longstanding traditions set it apart. I would recommend Huron because of the quality of education it offers, the level of spiritual development it fosters, the excellent professors, and the school’s library − whose staff and resources help ensure students’ success.
    John Olufemi Adeyemi
    3rd Year student, MDiv
    Read more
  • You develop within classes that foster critical thinking; challenge you to ask complex questions; and learn how to understand the world in a more human way.
    Beth Koudys
    Honours BA, Master of Divinity ‘14
    Read more
  • I found my spark and pursued it at Huron, and the experience was phenomenal.
    Michael Bodkin
    Master of Arts (Theology) Graduate, PhD (Western University)
    Read more

Master of Arts (Theology) Careers

You love to learn and you’re prepared to tackle challenging subject matter because you recognize the importance of continuously sharpening your knowledge, as well as your capacity for critical and creative thought. The best part about this is your future employers are going to sincerely appreciate these qualities, and you’ll find the skills you enhance through this program of study will help you stand out in any modern workplace.

Learn where your Master of Arts (Theology) will take you and feel excited to follow in the paths of wise theologians and vibrant social change agents.

Where will a Master of Arts (Theology) take you?
  • Theologian
  • Lawyer
  • Historian
  • Librarian
  • Community advocate
  • Priest
  • Professor
  • Minister
  • Missionary
  • Social worker
  • Clergy member
  • Lobbyist
  • Journalist
  • Counselor
  • Non-profit specialist
  • Teacher

Master of Divinity

The seminary and theology school at Huron is proud to welcome you into our midst. Whether you are seeking personal development, ministry skills for ordination, or an opportunity to engage in critical study and research, the faculty and staff will accommodate your need.

Our programs are continually monitored, evaluated and improved so that we can offer you the very best in education and formation.  Students at Huron begin their studies with a wide variety of experiences. What all members of the community have in common is the desire to know God more deeply, to serve others, to grow intellectually and mature spiritually. You would be welcomed into our community of prayer and study with the hope that, in a very short time, you might call us home.



Meet the teachers who will help you develop your knowledge, character, and skills so you are well-prepared to carve out a unique path in our complex world. Huron’s Theology professors are internationally renowned scholars and authors who are also dedicated to creating challenging, inclusive, and vibrant learning environments. Whether you are attending a lecture, pursuing a research project, or engaging with community partners, your professors will be there to guide you toward leaving a legacy of Leadership with Heart – wherever you go.

  • My passion is to help develop ministry leaders – from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience – who are growing spiritually, grounded in excellent academic training, and understand how to be contextually relevant.
    The Rev. Dawn Davis, DMin
    Assistant Professor of Contextual Learning and Director of Leadership for Ministry Programs
    Read more
  • I allow myself to feel the anger, sadness, despair over the things that humans are capable of doing in order to understand the phenomenon - in order to limit, to minimize, the things that cause the despair.
    Tracy Lemos, PhD
    Professor, Theology
    Read more
  • It is sometimes said that ‘we never read the Bible alone’ because we are all influenced, whether we know or acknowledge it, by traditional ways of reading and patterns of interpretation. I always have this in mind in my research and teaching on the New Testament and other early Christian writings.
    Daniel A. Smith, PhD
    Dean of Theology
    Read more
  • My teaching aim is to introduce, broaden, and enrich students' knowledge of Christian liturgical studies. Liturgy encompasses many different disciplines in addition to engaging students in both academic research and pastoral application.
    The Rev. Lizette Larson-Miller, PhD
    Huron-Lawson Chair of Pastoral Theology
    Read more

Program Options

Each student in the MDiv must complete an approved Transcultural Learning Experience (TLE) at any point during the MDiv program.  The TLE may accompany a course from Area VI, Comparative and Contextual Studies, or may take the form of an independent study in Field Education, or may take place during the summer term.  The Experiences have been worldwide, and the College has funding available to defray the costs of the student’s travel and accommodation, where this is necessary.

The primary purpose of the Experience is to provide each student with the opportunity to develop a wider framework from which to see their identity, community, and context so that they may develop a deeper understanding of ministry. In order for the TLE project to be approved and assessed, each student must submit a written proposal and self-evaluation to the Director of Field Education, in consultation with the Dean, if necessary. In both documents, a set of articulated learning objectives for the TLE will be cited that will fulfil the following criteria, stated here as prospective goals:

  1. Does the proposed TLE provide the student with access to the lived experience of the community visited? Does it express ways in which the student will live among (or close to) members of the community, share meals, participate in worship or other communal practices?
  2. Does the proposed TLE enable the student to learn about different expressions of faith, community, and worship?
  3. Does the proposed TLE demonstrate awareness of how the experience should shape the participating student’s own context and sense of self?
  4. Does the proposed TLE convey a sense of how it will affect the student’s understanding of ministry?

Alumni Stories

We are proud of our Master of Divinity graduates, who are dedicating their lives to spiritual and civic leadership around the world. This program is intended to prepare students for Christian ministry, but our graduates are well prepared to Lead with Heart in both church and community settings. We welcome students from every denomination and interest area, so our graduates move on to create positive change across a diverse array of sectors.

Learn more about how our alumni have found success with their Huron theological education as foundation.

  • Huron provided all the financial support possible to make a married, low-income student like myself able to fully take part in academic life. The tremendous teaching and mentorship I received set me up to receive a full scholarship to the University of Edinburgh for my PhD. Without Huron, this would have never occurred.
    Chris Medland
    MTS ’13, MA ’15
    Read more
  • I really loved the faculty and staff at Huron and will always be grateful for their positive influence on my personal and academic life.
    Mahdieh Mirmohammadi
    Master of Arts (Theology)
    Read more
  • The Faculty is a citadel of excellence and Huron’s longstanding traditions set it apart. I would recommend Huron because of the quality of education it offers, the level of spiritual development it fosters, the excellent professors, and the school’s library − whose staff and resources help ensure students’ success.
    John Olufemi Adeyemi
    3rd Year student, MDiv
    Read more
  • You develop within classes that foster critical thinking; challenge you to ask complex questions; and learn how to understand the world in a more human way.
    Beth Koudys
    Honours BA, Master of Divinity ‘14
    Read more
  • I found my spark and pursued it at Huron, and the experience was phenomenal.
    Michael Bodkin
    Master of Arts (Theology) Graduate, PhD (Western University)
    Read more

Master of Divinity Careers

Through our Master of Divinity program, you will develop superior oration skills, theological knowledge and the character necessary to motivate people towards a higher purpose or greater goal. This program is designed to support students’ pursuit of becoming a religious leader, however, many of our graduates have chosen to use the attributes developed during their time at Huron to follow career paths in a wide variety of other sectors.

Wherever you want to go, trust you’ll be better prepared to get there with the abilities you develop in this intensive learning environment. From an enriched understanding of cultural differences through to confidence as a public speaker, prepare to become a formidable leader in a world that could benefit from purveyors of positive values, hope and empathy.

What will a Master of Divinity take you?
  • Minister
  • Executive director
  • Clergy
  • Senior or youth pastor
  • Inspirational speaker
  • Chaplain
  • Counselor
  • Volunteer coordinator
  • Program director
  • Writer
  • Social worker
  • Theologian
  • Professor
  • Family advocate

Master of Theological Studies

The MTS will prepare you for theological engagement and leadership in a variety of settings. You’ll develop a solid academic grounding in the theological disciplines as well as knowledge and skills within a particular academic or practical concentration.



Huron’s Theology professors have found their purpose within our university where they have continuous opportunities to inspire students to find theirs. Regardless of whether or not students are set on pursuing career paths that include religious or theological vocations, you will find the professors within this department to be extremely open-minded, supportive and knowledgable.

Meet the educators who are going to help you better understand how religions shape the most influential aspects of humanity, so you can Lead with Heart, compassion and conviction – no matter where your calling takes you.

  • My passion is to help develop ministry leaders – from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience – who are growing spiritually, grounded in excellent academic training, and understand how to be contextually relevant.
    The Rev. Dawn Davis, DMin
    Assistant Professor of Contextual Learning and Director of Leadership for Ministry Programs
    Read more
  • I allow myself to feel the anger, sadness, despair over the things that humans are capable of doing in order to understand the phenomenon - in order to limit, to minimize, the things that cause the despair.
    Tracy Lemos, PhD
    Professor, Theology
    Read more
  • It is sometimes said that ‘we never read the Bible alone’ because we are all influenced, whether we know or acknowledge it, by traditional ways of reading and patterns of interpretation. I always have this in mind in my research and teaching on the New Testament and other early Christian writings.
    Daniel A. Smith, PhD
    Dean of Theology
    Read more
  • My teaching aim is to introduce, broaden, and enrich students' knowledge of Christian liturgical studies. Liturgy encompasses many different disciplines in addition to engaging students in both academic research and pastoral application.
    The Rev. Lizette Larson-Miller, PhD
    Huron-Lawson Chair of Pastoral Theology
    Read more

Program Options

MTS Degree Synopsis/Course Requirements:

The MTS is available as a general degree (as outlined below under General Degree), or you may choose to complete it with an area of concentration in:

  • Biblical Studies
  • Theology and Ethics
  • Comparative Religion and Theology
  • Congregational Ministry
  • Pastoral Advising
  • Public Service
  • Islamic Studies

The degree is two years of full-time studies (20 half courses), but is often completed part time.

In the MTS with Concentration (except concentration in Islamic Studies), courses in your particular concentration replace the General Program Electives.

Alumni Stories

In today’s complex world, people who are educated to have a deep understanding of different religious, cultural and social practices will distinguish themselves as Leaders with Heart with a commitment to the betterment of the world. Our MTS graduates have gone on to create significant positive change through in religious leadership, but they have also done so in careers you may not immediately associate with theological education.

See where our Faculty of Theology alumni have found their purpose and consider whether your studies could take you in a similar direction. In the MTS, you can explore a variety of theological disciplines and religious traditions in a learning environment that is both challenging and supportive.

  • Huron provided all the financial support possible to make a married, low-income student like myself able to fully take part in academic life. The tremendous teaching and mentorship I received set me up to receive a full scholarship to the University of Edinburgh for my PhD. Without Huron, this would have never occurred.
    Chris Medland
    MTS ’13, MA ’15
    Read more
  • I really loved the faculty and staff at Huron and will always be grateful for their positive influence on my personal and academic life.
    Mahdieh Mirmohammadi
    Master of Arts (Theology)
    Read more
  • The Faculty is a citadel of excellence and Huron’s longstanding traditions set it apart. I would recommend Huron because of the quality of education it offers, the level of spiritual development it fosters, the excellent professors, and the school’s library − whose staff and resources help ensure students’ success.
    John Olufemi Adeyemi
    3rd Year student, MDiv
    Read more
  • You develop within classes that foster critical thinking; challenge you to ask complex questions; and learn how to understand the world in a more human way.
    Beth Koudys
    Honours BA, Master of Divinity ‘14
    Read more
  • I found my spark and pursued it at Huron, and the experience was phenomenal.
    Michael Bodkin
    Master of Arts (Theology) Graduate, PhD (Western University)
    Read more

Master of Theological Studies Careers

Half of the recent graduates from our MTS program have gone on to further studies. However, over the years, many others have focused on pursuing careers that reflect their belief systems, knowledge and strong skill sets they refined during the attainment of their degree. The career options outlined below are just a few of the vocations that demand exceptional critical and creative thinking, the affinity for building meaningful relationships, and the cultural and social sensitivity necessary to navigate successfully within our global community.

This degree will prepare you for many diverse paths, including professions in:
  • Teaching
  • Community & Public Service
  • Advocacy & Social Justice
  • Business
  • Foreign Service
  • Ministry
  • Journalism
  • Law
  • Government/Politics


What is consciousness? Are all actions determined by outside causes? Where do morals come from? What can we know for certain? Philosophy at Huron gives you numerous chances to think hard about these and other questions that have the potential to fundamentally change the way you view and interact with the world.

In the company of expert scholars and fellow students who, like you, aren’t satisfied with accepting everything at face value, you’ll discover what the great thinkers of the past and present have said, and develop your own reasoned ideas in response.



Students can expect to be taught by instructors with extensive philosophical training, who have been selected for their scholarship and teaching abilities. In addition to their familiarity with the main stream of contemporary English language philosophy, individual faculty members have other areas of specialized interest and knowledge. They offer opportunities to explore intellectual currents from various times and places, ranging from ancient Greek thought to Jewish, East Asian and recent Continental traditions.

  • An education that aims to develop Leaders with Heart cannot attempt to teach students what to think, but rather, should empower them how to think, so they are able to fortify their individual moral, ethical and social ideologies to help navigate our very complex political, economic and cultural systems.
    Steve Bland, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Philosophy
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  • Every field of learning looks toward what is universal and fundamental. Philosophy can help by clarifying central terms like happiness, justice, right or wrong and true or false. Our students will learn about rational belief revision, about the criteria for judging theories and the nature of good and bad, through freewheeling philosophical debate about life’s big questions. We will try to conserve what’s most valuable from the past while following the argument where it leads.
    Glen Koehn, PHD
    Associate Professor, Chair of the Philosophy Department
    Read more
  • What I hope to do is to get students to see how ideas – even complicated ones – have a bearing on the practical concerns that we face every day of our lives.
    David Conter, PhD
    Associate Professor, Philosophy
    Read more

Learn more about the following programs offered in Philosophy that will lead students on an exploration of philosophical figures and ideologies – from introductory courses through to a refined understanding of the most influential concepts surrounding human nature, behaviour, government, leadership and much more.

Honors Specialization
Combined Honors Specialization Faculty of Arts and Social Science/HBA

Philosophy, Reasoning, and Ethics

Learn more about the following programs offered in Philosophy, Reasoning, and Ethics to discover why your pursuit of the answers to moral and logical questions can support an enriching educational experience that will help you develop into a thoughtful Leader with Heart.

From learning how to shift your perspective, influence others and re-imagine problems to generate strategic solutions, courses in Philosophy, Reasoning, and Ethics will dramatically enhance your capacity for problem-solving, empowering you to affect positive change in your personal and professional pursuits.

Honors Specialization

Combined Honors Specialization Faculty of Arts and Social Science/HBA


Philosophy in Commerce

Human wealth, the activity of buying and selling property and the distribution of power and resources significantly affects our day-to-day lives – both at the level of the individual, as well as our societies more broadly. Study how major philosophical minds define and analyze philosophical questions relevant to commerce, globalization, economics and the ethical practices surrounding these human activities and motivations.

Learn more about the Philosophy in Commerce major.

Religious Studies and Philosophy

Explore complex metaphysical questions about how humans situate themselves within particular natural, historical, social and religious structures. Read up some of the recognizable philosophers who attempt to grapple with some of the biggest questions occupying human thought, including the existence of God, the composition of the soul and the validity of religious experience.

Learn more about the Religious Studies and Philosophy minor.


Courses in ethics are essential for students interested in further developing their capacity for Leadership with Heart. In our increasingly complex world, it is so important to establish a solid ethical foundation and also to be able to recognize when others actions are reflective of their oppositional, deficient or exceptional ethics.

Build upon the toolset that allows you to make sound value judgements and critically analyze circumstances to position yourself, as effectively as possible, to make decisions that will breed as much good as the real and perceived constraints of the situation will allow for.

Learn more about the Ethics minor.

Alumni Stories

The power to think, wield logic, reason and critical thought to better understand circumstances and articulate complex ideas continues to serve our alumni well. Graduates of Huron’s Philosophy program flourish in career fields you may never expect. Learn why these successful alumni chose to pursue Philosophy and how it has helped them distinguish themselves as influential Leaders with Heart.

  • Huron gave me competence academically and socially. My education taught me how to communicate with people from all walks of life, including those in positions of authority.
    Taylor Harris
    From Huron to Cambridge
    Read more

Careers - Philosophy

Learning to analyze arguments and think for yourself is exciting. It is also a fundamental skill for Leaders with Heart who must know how to think critically, ask questions and relentlessly pursue wise and just answers. It’s no accident many leaders in law, business and government have a background in philosophy. Our grads have gone on to careers and studies in things such as:

Where will a degree in Philosophy take you?
  • Law
  • Education
  • Public Relations
  • Policy
  • Foreign service
  • Medicine
  • Communications
  • Investment counselling
  • Market research
  • Journalism
  • Politics
  • Biomedical ethics

Political Science

Exploring the many faces of power in society, political science at Huron investigates the big political ideas and visions, world-transforming movements inspired by political ideals, the daily lives of political organizations, as well as the inner mechanisms of governments. In the study of Political Science at Huron, we recognize that many of today’s most urgent and complex public challenges require new forms of ethical leadership that combine social justice and inclusive decision-making.



Our department challenges students to be Leaders with Heart by investigating both the human struggles of political conflict as well as the creative forces of political cooperation – from the local to the global. We support them to look at past and present political systems to understand how the distribution of power influences significant economic, cultural and social trends. Further, we empower students to develop the capacity for making projections about our political future, so they can leverage this foresight to encourage their professional and personal success.

  • As an educator, my main goal is to assist in the cultivation of learning. Of necessity, this is a collaborative process that takes place in the community.
    Paul Nesbitt-Larking, PhD
    Professor, Political Science
    Read more
  • Every generation needs to prioritize their understanding of political systems, so they are well-informed enough to advocate for and against significant issues that will affect the health and wellbeing of their local and global communities.
    Robert Jonasson, PhD
    Assistant Professor, Political Science
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  • Our students will be called to serve in a rapidly changing and complex world. Collaborative leadership and ethical governance are increasingly crucial to ensuring the common good. Rather than “trading off” the economy, environment, and community, we need to find ways to work together for sustainable, inclusive development.
    Neil Bradford, PhD
    Coordinator and Professor - Governance Leadership and Ethics (GLE); Professor, Political Science
    Read more
  • I hope to engage students in the perennial questions and ideas that are essential to our life in community with others.
    Sara MacDonald, PhD
    Professor, Political Science
    Read more
  • My main task as a Liberal Arts professor is to help students build the tools they need to go out into the world as principled and thoughtful people. It all comes down to whether or not they have the critical thinking skills to question not only the world around them, but also to question themselves.
    Jennifer Mustapha, PhD
    Associate Professor, Political Science
    Read more
  • My teaching is centred on the student’s engagement in reading and analyzing political theory, from the classical writings of the Ancient Greeks to modern and contemporary theories of government, justice, democracy, and liberty. I am particularly interested in the application of ideas to practice, in shaping policy and law and as a grounding from which to criticize government and institutions.
    Jim Crimmins, Fulbright Fellow, Emeritus Professor and Research Fellow
    Fulbright Fellow, Emeritus Professor and Research Fellow, Political Science
    Read more
Political Science

The Honors Specialization and Major modules in Political Science provide students with a strong foundation in all of the main sub-fields of the discipline.  The Major in Political Science is designed for students who wish to have a good general background in political science, and the Honors Specialization offers the added advantage of permitting students to design their own specialized programs through their choice of optional courses within the module.  Both of these modules structured to help students gain admission into virtually any graduate program in Political Science either in Canada or abroad.

Learn more about the following programs offered in Political Science:

Honors Specialization
Combined Honors Specialization Faculty of Arts and Social Science/HBA

Ideology and Identity

Ideology and Identity modules bring together the study of political philosophy, ideologies, and movements in the context of a detailed exploration of political behaviour.  Ideology and Identity includes detailed studies of political traditions, politics and the media, and the political mind.  With a background in ideology and identity, careers in the media, public relations, political communications, political organizations, and policy research institutes are all viable options.  Ideology and Identity modules also serve as a good background to graduate work in political theory, political communications and political psychology.

Learn more about the following programs offered in Political Studies: Ideology and Identity:


State and Policy

State and Policy modules are concerned with the details of how policy ideas emerge and make their way through the system of policy consultation and formation, resulting in the making of binding laws and regulations.  These modules also examine institutional and organizational structures and investigate matters related to policy implementation and evaluation.  A background in state and policy is a useful preparation for graduate research in public administration or policy analysis as well as for careers in the public service, business administration, political consulting, policy research institutes, and not-for-profit and non-governmental organizations.

Learn more about the following programs offered in Political Studies: State and Policy:


Globalization and Governance

Globalization and Governance modules focus on the ways in which politics and government within nation-states are influenced by international forces and how nation-states are in turn attempting to shape those international forces.  These modules will be of interest to students planning graduate research in international or global studies and careers in such areas as the foreign service, international development, international business and non-governmental organizations.

Learn more about the following programs offered in Political Studies: Globalisation and Governance:


Alumni Stories

Huron Political Science graduates have moved into a wide variety of professions, reflecting the breadth of knowledge and intellectual skills gained through their studies. They’re highly-capable public speakers, researchers and creative strategists who have the necessary knowledge to recognize their position within the current political landscape – and how changes within particular climates may affect their workplaces and local and global wellbeing.

  • The Liberal Arts help you contextualize all these challenges within our past, present and future, which reinforces how we look at the world and how able we will be to change it.
    Natalie Cross
    Double Major in Political Science and English
    Read more
  • Huron's experiential learning opportunities enabled me to extend my knowledge far beyond what I learned in class. This helped me develop a robust understanding and skillset that I am able to apply to my pursuits of Leadership with Heart.
    Emily Abbott
    History & Political Science
    Read more
  • Everything that has happened to me personally and professionally since then has been shaped by the decision to go to Yonsei. Because of my time there, I developed a strong interest in inter-Korean relations and the prospects for Korean unification; I wrote my 4th year thesis on that issue.
    Toby Schwartz, Alumna
    Foreign Service Officer, Global Affairs Canada
    Read more
  • Huron gave me competence academically and socially. My education taught me how to communicate with people from all walks of life, including those in positions of authority.
    Taylor Harris
    From Huron to Cambridge
    Read more

Political Science Careers

Career paths include the civil service as advisors to governments and international agencies, the private sector as policy researchers and consultants, the media as television and radio journalists, and community or volunteer organizations as advocates and planners. Huron Political Science graduates frequently pursue advanced study in Political Science or Legal Studies to build rewarding careers as university professors or lawyers.

Where will a degree in Political Science take you?
  • Political Consultant
  • Lawyer
  • Marketing Research Analyst
  • Non-Profit Organizer
  • Policy Analyst
  • Politician
  • Public Servent
  • Political Staffer
  • Market Analyst
  • Foreign Service Officer
  • Diplomat
  • Economic Development Officer
  • Publisher
  • Press officer
  • Lobbyist


Psychology is the scientific study of the mind and behaviour. Psychology is a dynamic, exciting field of study that examines phenomena related to human perception and action, memory and cognition, thinking and intelligence, social relationships and emotions, the brain and behaviour, motivation, development—just to name a few!

The Psychology Program at Huron offers four B.A. modules of study, with heavy focus on basic foundational research knowledge in Psychology.  Our emphasis on research skill development starts in the first year and continues throughout the program. Core research courses focus on the scholarly study of Psychology in various subfields (Learning and Motivation, Cognition, Developmental and Social), with supplementary elective courses in many diverse topics such as Neuropsychology, Theories of Personality, Health Psychology, Persuasion, Biopsychology, Infancy, and Behaviour Modification, among many others.



Faculty members in Psychology are experts in their fields of study and are committed to their roles as teachers and researchers. The Faculty of Psychology is dedicated to providing you with personalized mentorship to help you achieve your academic and career goals.

Get to know the scholars who are going to help you develop the sound knowledge and implementable skills to become a Leader with Heart who can contribute significant value to any transformational conversation and workplace.

  • Psychologists are interested in how experiences can shape behaviour. Teachers are interested in how to optimize learning for students. One of the best things about being a professor at Huron is that I get to be both a psychologist AND a teacher.
    Christine Tsang, PhD
    Chair, Psychology
    Read more
  • My teaching focuses on how the social environment influences human behaviours from a psychological perspective. Some courses that I teach include social psychology, psychology of persuasion, and personal relationships.
    Irene Cheung, PhD
    Associate Professor, Psychology
    Read more
Honors Specialization in Psychology

Honors Specialization Module in Psychology (recommended for students planning on going to graduate school in Psychology, e.g., PhD in Psychology, Counselling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, etc.)

Learn more about the following Honors Specialization options in Psychology:

Honors Specialization
Honors Specialization in Psychology/HBA

Major in Psychology

Major Module in Psychology (recommended for students planning on a professional graduate degree, e.g., MBA, medical school, dentistry, law, education, etc.)

Learn more about the Psychology major.

Minor in Psychology

Minor Module in Psychology (recommended for students who wish to dabble in a few Psychology courses, but major in another program of study)

Learn more about the Psychology minor.


Psychology at Huron focuses on the development of core research skills, and this emphasis on research skill development starts in the first year and continues in all upper year core research courses.

Read how our alumni have used their Psychology degrees to establish meaningful careers.

  • I decided to study French because I wanted something that would set me apart from others when I graduated.
    Julia Smith BA'18
    BA, French and Psychology
    Read more

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Student Life

Beyond the Classroom

Authentic education happens everywhere. We aim to give our students as many real-life learning experiences as we can, so they can extend what they learn in the classroom to their broader communities. This will help build upon your perspective, portfolio and personality, so when you graduate, you’re ready to get noticed and create positive change.

Learn what each unique area of London has in store for our future Leaders with Heart.

The Forest City
Parks & Recreation
Huron Campus
London's hot spots

London is passionate about being green and our city is the perfect place for people who love the outdoors. With more than 4 million trees and countless gorgeous parks and hiking trails, all year-round London offers a vibrant outdoor playground for the adventurous-at-heart.

Whether you want to walk around within the heart of downtown or head to the outskirts of the city, you will never run out of new places to take in the sights, sounds and leaves that make your new home the Forest City.

Planning a picnic or want to take part in a vibrant festival or foodie-event? Visit London’s numerous parks to get your fill of all things nature, culture and city-centric. For example, Victoria Park in downtown London is a major centre of community events, attracting an estimated 1 million visitors per year.

Other major parks include Harris Park, Gibbons Park, Fanshawe Conservation Area (Fanshawe Pioneer Village), Springbank Park, and Westminster Ponds. The city also maintains a number of gardens and conservatories. Walk along the water, discover new paths and take in the wildlife that beautify your new favourite city.

London is home to countless recreational fields where students can play soccer, use basketball and tennis courts, and everything else in between.

Additionally, both Huron and Western’s campus include areas to play a wide variety of sports and activities all year-round.

The Beaver Dam

One of our students’ favourite hangouts, the Beaver Dam is a licensed bar where countless events are held throughout the year. There are plenty of booths perfect for books and beverages, and when you need to blow off some steam, grab a pool cue and play a round of billiards.

Huron Commons

Want to collaborate with your classmates or just enjoy great company while you study for an exam? Either book a breakout room or just show up and nestle in beside one of your fellow Leaders with Heart – it’s the perfect place to get moral support during those lengthy exams study sessions.

The Dining Hall/Spoke/UCC

Are you hungry?

You have several delicious food destinations within a very short walking distance. Learn more about our dining hall options or if you’re in the mood for something different, you’re feet away from the heart of main campus where you can find a pub, several fast food joints and the Wave restaurant.

Known to all of our students as home base, Huron’s campus is a place where you can study, relax, eat and socialize. The best part about spending time within our community is you will very quickly get to a point where you can’t walk down the halls without recognizing a friendly face, and these lifelong relationships are going to position you for exceptional personal and professional success.

Downtown London

Welcome to the heart of London, where many students spend their free time. Downtown London is bustling with the more than 40,000 students who attend our universities and colleges.

From amazing gastro pubs to street performances, festivals and bumpin’ bars (for those who are of age!), Richmond Row is THE place to go, and it’s a quick bus ride or cab from your home at Huron.

If you’re looking for something lower key to do in the centre of the city, visit the Coven Garden Market for international foods and flavours, artisanal goods and delicious coffee. Once you’re fuelled up, make the short walk over to the museum, Labatt Park or visit anyone of the numerous one-of-a-kind shops, bakeries and cafes along the scenic streets of downtown.

West London

If you want to go shopping in London, check out Masonville Mall or White Oaks. At these major shopping centres, you’ll find tons of the brands you love and have access to more than hundreds of stores, hair salons and even some recreational spaces specific to young adults.

London also has a ton of great golf courses – from Sunningdale to our public courses, so if you need to step up your game, get on the green.

All throughout West London, you can find delicious restaurants! Some of them may be familiar, but there are lots of hidden gems to discover.

East London

Want to experience one-of-a-kind restaurants, shops and events within an area that celebrates our local stars and creates a colourful stage for some of London’s best-kept secrets? Visit East London in between classes for a perfect cup of coffee or spend your Saturday or Sunday trying on the perfect vintage finds and tasting the exceptional creations of the area’s culinary geniuses.

Affectionately known as “Old East” this region of the city is home to the amazing Western Fair market, artisan bakeries, vegan-friendly restaurants and micro-breweries
From unique event venues to theatrical performances and high-energy activity sports, London’s Old East offers a great alternative to a night out on Richmond Row, London’s Old East is an up-and-coming neighbourhood that caters to all cultures, palettes, fashions and interests.

South London/Wortley Village

Wortley Village is located in the heart of Old South, a thriving, unique, historic London community that has been voted one of Canada’s coolest neighbourhoods.

Easily accessible by public transit, Wortley Village is a great spot to meet friends for coffee or indulge in an exceptional dining experience at one of the area’s unique restaurants.

This region of London is affectionately known for being dog- and people-friendly: with many of its highlights clustered together, you can easily walk from one great destination to the next.

Home to artisans and artists, unique, independently owned shops, services, restaurants and nightlife, Wortley Village is also host to many exciting events that provide year-round entertainment.

North London
South London
East London
West London

Thames River

This historical river was the location of an important battle of the War of 1812.

Quick Eats

London offers a variety of inexpensive food options that will keep you coming back.

Gibbons Park

This park is an ideal place to walk, job or bike.

Richmond Row

London’s most interesting and innovative shopping district.

Victoria Park

Visit one of London’s numerous parks to get your fill of all things nature, culture and city-centric.


London’s restaurant industry is thriving

Fanshawe Shopping District

Everything from convenience, value and a mix of some of Canada’s retailers.


London has delicious restaurants and shopping outlets.

Masonville Mall

Premium shopping experience and restaurants.

White Oaks Mall

200 stores/services to shop in.

Wortley Village

This thriving, historic Old South London community is a “must see” neighbourhood to check out.

Casual Dining

Comfy gastropubs and relaxed venues.


Come into a world of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses.


Entertainment district.


London International Airport

Old East Village

Old East Village is a place of rich diversity with bistros and street shopping.


Byron is a neighbourhood in the City of London with shops and restaurants.

Springbank Park

Springbank Park is a 140-hectare park located along a stretch of the Thames River

Komoka Provincial Park

A natural green area on the Thames River.

Local Shopping

One of many shopping districts in London.

White Oaks Mall

200 stores/services to shop in.

Wortley Village

This thriving, historic Old South London community is a “must see” neighbourhood to check out.

Thames River

This historical river was the location of an important battle of the War of 1812.

Quick Eats

London offers a variety of inexpensive food options that will keep you coming back.

Gibbons Park

This park is an ideal place to walk, job or bike.

Richmond Row

London’s most interesting and innovative shopping district.

Fanshawe Shopping District

Everything from convenience, value and a mix of some of Canada’s retailers.


Byron is a neighbourhood in the City of London with shops and restaurants.

Springbank Park

Springbank Park is a 140-hectare park located along a stretch of the Thames River

Komoka Provincial Park

A natural green area on the Thames River.

Casual Dining

Comfy gastropubs and relaxed venues.


Come into a world of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats, and cheeses.


London has delicious restaurants and shopping outlets.


Entertainment district.


London International Airport

Victoria Park

Visit one of London’s numerous parks to get your fill of all things nature, culture and city-centric.

Local Shopping

One of many shopping districts in London.

Old East Village

Old East Village is a place of rich diversity with bistros and street shopping.

Masonville Mall

Premium shopping experience and restaurants.


Residence Life

Living on campus puts you in the heart of all the action at Huron.  With almost 70% of first-year students choosing to live on campus, it’s easy to meet new friends and get involved.  

  • Almost 70% of first-year students live in residence
  • Hellmuth and Presidential Scholarship holders get preference in room choice 
  • Upper class “Dons” and “Sophs” organize programming and show you the ropes
  • Floor and community events are planned throughout the year 
  • Group study sessions with skills-building workshops for time management and stress-busting 
  • Hang out in one of the many lounges, play ping pong, watch a movie and chill with friends



O'Neil/Ridley Hall
Hellmuth Hall
Southwest Residence
Brough House Residence
Henderson House Residence


Capacity: Up to 200 beds.

Dormitory: Single, and single ‘pod’ style rooms with shared washroom facilities.

Co-ed: O’Neil/Ridley residence has separate washrooms for men and for women, as well as private gender neutral washrooms located on each floor.

Single Room


  • bed frame and mattress (single)
  • desk and chair
  • closet or wardrobe
  • dresser or mate’s bed with drawers
  • wastebasket
  • corkboard
  • bookshelves or wall shelving
  • mirror
  • drapes or blinds

O'Neil/ Ridley Hall O’Neil/ Ridley Hall


Capacity: Up to 96 beds.

Dormitory: Single, double, and double ‘pod’ style rooms with shared washroom facilities.

Co-ed: Hellmuth Residence has separate gender specific washrooms for men and for women.

Single Room
Single rooms


Double Suite
 Double Pod Style Room 


  • bed frame and mattress (single)
  • desk and chair
  • closet or wardrobe
  • dresser or mate’s bed with drawers
  • wastebasket
  • corkboard
  • bookshelves or wall shelving
  • mirror
  • drapes or blinds

Hellmuth Hall Hellmuth Hall


Capacity: Up to 56 beds.

Dormitory: Suite style room with four single bedrooms sharing a semi-private kitchenette, living room and two washrooms.

Co-ed: Southwest Residence has individual washrooms in suite with a single gender neutral washroom available on the main floor.




  • bed frame and mattress (single)
  • desk and chair
  • closet or wardrobe
  • dresser or mate’s bed with drawers
  • wastebasket
  • corkboard
  • bookshelves or wall shelving
  • mirror
  • drapes or blinds

SouthwestSouthwest Residence


Capacity: Up to 18 beds.

Dormitory: A mix of Single and Double rooms with several shared gender neutral washrooms, a full kitchen, and living room area.

Co-ed: Brough House Residence has several shared and semi-private washrooms located around the house.

Single Rooms
Single Rooms 

Residence rooms are equipped with the following:

•    Bed frame and mattress (single)
•    Desk and chair
•    Closet or wardrobe
•    Dresser or mate’s bed with drawers
•    Wastebasket and recycling bin
•    Corkboard
•    Bookshelves or wall shelving
•    Mirror
•    Drapes or blinds

Single Room #16
Single Room


Double Room #17
Double Room

Brough House Brough House Residence


Capacity: Up to 10 beds.

Dormitory: Single rooms with several shared gender neutral washrooms, a full kitchen, and living room area.

Co-ed: Henderson House Residence has several shared individual washrooms located around the house.

Henderson House is reserved for upper-year and mature students as recognized by Huron.

Single Rooms
Single Rooms 

Residence rooms are equipped with the following:

•    Bed frame and mattress (single)
•    Desk and chair
•    Closet or wardrobe
•    Dresser or mate’s bed with drawers
•    Wastebasket and recycling bin
•    Corkboard
•    Bookshelves or wall shelving
•    Mirror
•    Drapes or blinds

Henderson House
Single Room

Henderson Residence Henderson Residence


Community Learning

Community-Based Learning supports Huron’s mission of “combining rigorous learning with the exploration of new territory” by connecting the classroom to the community, and the community to the classroom. Leaders with Heart have access to countless opportunities to learn, beyond the books, in diverse settings that extend, deepen and amplify what they’ve learned on campus. Community-based learning and volunteering are both valuable activities that help students connect with community partners, enhance personal skills, and support professional development.

We believe Community-Based Learning is one of the most effective ways to ensure students are fully integrated in their communities; engage with diverse personalities; and encounter and develop their own unique perspectives.Through these learning initiatives, which can be highly personalized to the student’s preferences and skill sets, our Leaders with Heart gain a better understanding of the challenges facing the community, enhance their ability to think critically and be self-aware, engage in problem-based learning, and explore a variety of career options available after graduation.


At Huron, we’re proud of what our students accomplish and we are committed to rewarding academic excellence and community service.  We set our bar high because we know you do too.  Because of the generosity of our alumni and donors, Huron can offer guaranteed renewable admission scholarships to all students that meet the requirements.


2nd Year
3rd Year
4th Year
Master's Degrees

The below scholarships are organized in two sections, Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents (CC or PR) and International Students/ Student Visa (INTL).  Scholarships are applied to tuition and residence fees first. To receive a scholarship, you must be a full-time continuing student.

For further information regarding entrance scholarships, contact the Admissions and Recruitment Office at 519.438.7225 or email

Automatic Entrance Scholarships (CC or PR)

Canadian high school applicants with a final admission average* of 82.0% or higher are guaranteed an automatic entrance award from Huron.

Final Admissions Average     Value of Award 

82.00% to 84.9%                      $6,000 ($1500/year)
85.00% to 89.9%                      $10,000 ($2,500/year)
90.00% to 94.9%                      $12,000 ($3000/year)
95% and above                        $14,000 ($3,500/year)

Final admission average is calculated using admission requirements (including any required courses for the program to which the student has applied) for courses completed.

Automatic entrance scholarships are renewable for up to four years provided that you maintain a minimum overall average of 80% in a minimum of 5.0 credits each year prior.

Transfer Student Scholarships (CC or PR)

Final Admissions Average      Value of Award 

80.00% to 81.99%                      $500/year
82.00% to 84.99%                      $1,000/year
85.00% to 89.99%                      $1,500/year
90.00% & above                         $2,000/year

  • For Canadian students graduating from recognized post-secondary institutions.

Automatic entrance scholarships are renewable for up to four years provided that you maintain a minimum overall average of 80% in a minimum of 5.0 credits each year prior.

Huron's Hellmuth Scholarships (CC or PR)

Hellmuth Scholarships (Full tuition and fees, up to 10 available, renewable for up to four years)

  • Academic excellence with a mid-year average of 90% or higher
  • Demonstrated passion for student life through community leadership, volunteer service, passion for arts, athletics, etc.
  • Applicants are required to be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident
  • Application deadline: February 15, 2021.

Hellmuth scholarships are renewable for up to four years provided that you maintain a minimum overall average of 80% in a minimum of 5.0 credits each year prior.

Huron Scholars Group: 

All Hellmuth Scholarship winners are guaranteed their choice of building and room within Huron’s residences and automatically become members of the “Huron Scholars Group”. This group brings together high achieving students who hold renewable entrance scholarships and senior scholarships at Huron. Members of the group are invited to a September reception and are kept informed of extra-curricular activities, award competitions, graduate application workshops, and other opportunities.

Hellmuth Scholarship Application Form

Gary Barnes Pre-Business Scholarship (CC or PR)

$8,000 – 1 available for first year; can reapply for upper years

  • Applicants are required to have been offered AEO status and demonstrate financial need
  • Applicants are required to be a Canadian Citizen or permanent resident
  • Application deadline: June 15, 2020

Gary Barnes Scholarship Form

Frank Holmes Academic Athlete Scholarships (CC or PR)

TWO AVAILABLE: Two, two-year renewable scholarships are awarded annually, one each to a male and female full-time Huron student who is registered on a Western Varsity Athletic team.

$4,500 per year


  • Applicants are required to have an admission average of 80% or higher as calculated by Huron and to be registered on a varsity athletic team at Western.
  • Application deadline: June 1, 2020

Frank Holmes Academic Athlete Scholarship Form

Specialist High Skills Major Scholarships (CC or PR)

$2,000 – One-time Scholarship (4 available per school board, non-renewable)

Must graduate from one of the following majors: 

  • Arts & Culture
  • Business
  • Non-Profit
  • Health and Wellness
International Certificate Program Scholarship

$2,000 Unlimited number available, non-renewable

  • Automatic award given to each full-time Huron student who has graduated from the International Certificate Program.
Alberta Scholarship (CC)

We will be awarding the highest achieving Alberta student with an additional $2,500 award. This is non-renewable, and will be awarded starting in September 2020.

Manitoba Scholarship (CC)

We will be awarding the highest achieving Manitoba student with an additional $3,000 award. This is non-renewable, and will be awarded starting in September 2020.

National Scholarship

$1,000 Unlimited number available, non-renewable

  • Applying from a Canadian high school outside of Ontario
Commonwealth Scholarships (INTL)

$5,000 Unlimited number available, non-renewable

  • Automatic award given to each full-time International Huron student who is a Commonwealth citizen
  • No supplemental application is required for this scholarship; you will automatically be assessed for the Commonwealth Scholarship during the application process to any Huron program and any scholarships awarded will be stated on your Offer of Admission letter.
International Automatic Entrance Scholarships (INTL)

Up to $60,000 ($15,000/year)

  • All international students applying to Huron will automatically be assessed for scholarships valued between $4,000 to $60,000 over four years, based on their academic results.
  • Extra-curricular achievements may also be submitted for consideration

Automatic entrance scholarships are renewable for up to four years provided that you maintain a minimum overall average of 80% in a minimum of 5.0 credits each year prior.

If you have experience(s) that you feel could might meet these criteria, please submit the supplemental application form to no later than June 1, 2020. You can download this application form here: Supplemental Application Form – International Entrance Scholarships

International Presidential Scholarships (INTL)

Huron awards up to 10 International Presidential Scholarships valued at $100,000 ($25,000/year) over four years to outstanding entering students.

  • Academic excellence with a mid-year average of 90% or higher on Huron’s grading scale;
  • Demonstrated passion for student life through community leadership, volunteer service, passion for arts, athletics etc;
  • Applicants are required to be studying at Huron on a student visa
  • To be considered for the International Presidential Scholarship, you must submit a supplemental application form that is due by February 15, 2020. You can download this application form here: International Presidential Scholarship application form.

International Presidential scholarships are renewable for up to four years provided that you maintain a minimum overall average of 80% in a minimum of 5.0 credits each year prior.

Huron Scholars Group:

In addition, all international Presidential Scholarship winners are guaranteed their choice of building and room within residence and automatically become members of the “Huron Scholars Group”.  This group brings together high achieving students who hold renewable entrance scholarships and senior scholarships at Huron.  Members of the group are invited to a September reception and are kept informed of extra-curricular activities, award competitions, graduate application workshops, and other opportunities.

International Presidential Application Form (sent separately)

Senior Scholarships are available to students in second year or above in a variety of programs.  Scholarships are applied to tuition and residence fees first. To receive a scholarship, you must be a full-time continuing student.  For information on Hellmuth Scholarships and Scholarships Beyond First Year, email

Senior Scholarships are available to students in second year or above in a variety of programs.  Scholarships are applied to tuition and residence fees first. To receive a scholarship, you must be a full-time continuing student.  For information on Hellmuth Scholarships and Scholarships Beyond First Year, email

Senior Scholarships are available to students in second year or above in a variety of programs.  Scholarships are applied to tuition and residence fees first. To receive a scholarship, you must be a full-time continuing student.  For information on Hellmuth Scholarships and Scholarships Beyond First Year, email

MTS/MDiv Prizes, Awards, & Scholarships:

16 scholarships, prizes, and awards are awarded automatically by the Faculty of Theology Committee to MDiv & MTS students and are usually announced at the end of the school year. .Prizes range from $150 to $3,000.  Scholarships are applied to tuition and residence fees first. To receive a scholarship, you must be a full-time continuing student.

  • Fisher Scholarships for 1st-year and 2nd-year MDiv students with highest averages
  • Faculty of Theology Prize for Academic Distinction for a graduating student
  • Irish Benevolent Society Prizes (Archdeacon Alford Abraham Prize for Homiletics; Canon Maurice Farr Prize for Pastoral Care, The Rev. Captain Bill Bennett Prize for a Mature Student)
  • Luxton Prize in New Testament
  • The John Morden Scholarship for the full-time, returning student who contributed most to the spiritual life and welfare of the College
  • Brotherhood of Anglican Churchmen Scholarship in Old Testament
  • Archbishop Peers Prize in Biblical Languages
  • The Rev. Dr. D. Jay Koyle Prize in Liturgics
  • The Very Rev. Leslie B. Jenkins Prize in Systematic Theology
  • St. Mark’s by-the-Lake Scholarship for Christian Leadership for a full-time second year MTS or M.Div. student
  • St. John’s by-the-Lake Award in Youth Ministry
  • The Clarence M. Foltz Scholarship in Spiritual Development awarded to a graduating student.
  • Vishnu Family Volunteer Service Award

Graduate Government Scholarships: OGS, SSHRC:

These substantial competitive Canadian and Ontario Government scholarships are available each year.

Huron OGS and CGS-M Workshop!
Paula Menzies-Cameron (SGPS, Western) will be in the Huron Library Breakout Room on Wednesday October 16, 2019, 12:30-2:00pm to facilitate a workshop for students who are applying to graduate school and seeking funding through OGS and CGS-M scholarships.  Drop by even for a part of this session!
OGS (Ontario Graduate Scholarship): 

This $15,000 scholarship is for those in, or moving to, a graduate master’s or doctoral degree. Apply between October 1, 2019 and January 24, 2020 if you are a current Western graduate student remaining at Western or applying to a Western graduate program.  Otherwise, contact the university where you plan to take your graduate degree.  Deadlines are set by individual universities.

Western’s online application opens October 1, 2019.  Western’s online application closes January 24, 2020, 4 pm (for new applications) Western’s online application for those with applications in progress before January 24, closes January 31, 2020, 4 pm.

Check for details about the competition here at Western and check here for more information about this program.
SSHRC (Social Science & Humanities Research Council) Doctoral 

Check for details about the competition, support and deadlines here.
CGSD (Canada Graduate Scholarship Doctoral): 

These $20,000 to $35,000 scholarships
Details are here.

CGSM (Canada Graduate Scholarship Masters): 

This $17,500 scholarship is for those in, or moving to, a graduate master’s degree.  Applicants submit an online Research Portal application.
Eligibility, details and helpful hints are available here.
Learn how to apply at a 90-minute session!  See Resources at link above for available dates.
Deadline to apply (application must be complete by) December 1, 2019, 8 pm.


For further information regarding scholarships for M.Div., MTS and MA students, please contact Sandra Rice, Assistant to the Dean & Faculty at or 519.438.7224 ext. 289



Huron understands financing post-secondary education can be challenging. We are dedicated to working with students in financial need by offering assistance with OSAP, bursaries and work study. The Faculty of Theology also offers assistance to its master’s students.

OSAP and Government Loans
Bursary/Work Study Application
Ontario First Generation Bursary
Senior Citizens' Bursary
Bursaries/Financial Aid for Master's Students

Important: To ensure consistency of this information and centralization of revisions, the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development has requested that we direct students with policy questions to their website.  Please visit the OSAP website for the most up-to-date information on OSAP, and tools such as the OSAP Aid Estimator and Repayment Calculator.


Bursaries are non-repayable grants offered by the university that are awarded on the basis of financial need.  Bursaries supplement a student’s primary source of funding such as OSAP, bank loan/line of credit and parental/spousal contributions.  Financial need is determined in a manner similar to the Canada and Ontario Student Loans assessment.  It involves assessing the costs of the program that students are registered in, as well as any available resources (RESP’s, part-time employment, etc.).

In order to be eligible for bursary assistance, students must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents, be registered at Huron in a full or part-time program and demonstrate genuine financial need.

Bursaries can be applied for at any time as the need arises until funds are exhausted.  There is no deadline.


If you are the first in your family to attend post-secondary education, you may qualify for the Ontario First Generation Bursary, click here.


If you are a senior citizen (60+) and planning to attend post-secondary, you may qualify for the Senior Citizens’ Bursary, click here.  For more information, please contact Alycia Armstrong,


Bursaries for MTS/MDiv Students: 

The Faculty of Theology offers financial aid/bursaries to MDiv and MTS students on the basis of need, with attention to the guidelines of the Association of Theological Schools. Full-time M.Div. or MTS students in any year of the programs should submit an application by May 31 for assistance in the coming year. In considering applications, first priority will be given to students sponsored by a diocese of the Anglican Communion; others will receive assistance only if sufficient funds are available.

Deadline:  May 31 each year
Application: Here

Other Outside Sources of Funding:

Bursaries for Graduate MA Students:

Bursary support for Theology graduate students continues through the normal length of the degree (2 years for full-time and 3 years for part-time students).  Students receiving the bursaries described below must apply for departmental work. See the Faculty. This bursary support is available both to Canadian and to international students.  Bursaries are issued automatically within first month of each term.

Full-time MA Students: 

Currently, the program offers a $2,000 bursary per academic Term to full-time students, for the six terms of the program. This support can be supplemented by earnings from graduate-level employment, typically at the rate of $15 per hour to a maximum of 10 hours per week, for instance as a Research or Marking Assistant.

Part-time MA Students: 

A $500 bursary is currently given to qualifying part-time student


Sports & Clubs

Are you looking for fun ways to fill up the time you spend between books? Do you want to stay in shape, learn a new skill and make tons of friends that will last a lifetime? Then you need to explore the extensive list of clubs, activities and sports teams available to you as a Huron student. Choose the button below that seems to best fit your interests – or, better yet, explore all the options and figure o​ut exactly where you want to fit in (and stand out!)​​​​​ ​

Huron has its own intramural teams where you’ll get to interact with like-minded community members who are interested in seeing the outdoors and saving the world. If you can’t find your perfect fit from the HUCSC’s list, check out one of Western’s 200+ options for extracurricular involvement.

If athletics are a major part of your life and being part of a highly-competitive team environment that exercises your exceptional talent and skill is essential, try out for one of 35 Western Mustangs varsity teams. Get ready for cheering crowds, championships and one of the finest athletic programs in North America.


From staying fit, to exploring the world, we want to ensure you have the tools to be successful while at Huron.


    Huron is completely unique to universities in Canada – championing an education unlike any other that prioritizes ethical leadership and community engagement, as much as the pursuit of academic achievement. As the founding institution of Western University, for more than 155 years, Huron has delivered an elite, yet accessible, university experience that contributes to its legacy of world-renowned alumni who revolutionize the sectors they work within. As you earn a Western degree with a Huron distinction, you’ll have full access to Western’s facilities and programs, while benefitting from the personalized learning experiences only Huron’s large faculty-to-student ratio can provide.

    We also strongly encourage you to take advantage of our robust scholarships and bursaries program, so you can focus on changing the world – instead of balancing your budget!
