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Huron values its place in an interconnected world and desires to reflect this value, acknowledging our responsibility to strive towards a diverse and equitable employment and educational environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person.  We encourage applications from qualified members of the four designated groups, and persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.



Policies & Procedures Handbook
Diversity & Equity

This Handbook is intended to provide all staff and faculty of Huron University with a convenient source of information on the University, its governance, policies and procedures, and Faculty Conditions of Appointment.

It is hoped that this Handbook will prove useful. Nevertheless, all employees are advised that the terms and conditions of University policy or government legislation in effect at any particular time are the only rules and regulations that have legal status. Any comments, errors, or omissions that may appear in the handbook do not constitute a basis for assuming a right or prerogative that this is not consistent with the terms of the official document involved.

Any new policies and revisions to existing policies should be forwarded electronically to Adri Britz, the Director, Human Resources.

Those responsible for updating/revising policies for their specific areas/departments are requested to use the electronic format used in this Handbook to ensure consistency in format and style. Issue and revision dates need to be included.


Huron values its place in an interconnected world and desires to reflect this value, acknowledging our responsibility to strive towards a diverse and equitable employment and educational environment that recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every person.

Huron will seek to affirm diversity among staff, faculty and students, and will ensure equitable treatment of all within the Huron community.

These principals pertain to all aspect of Huron, including, but not limited to institutional decision making, recruitment, hiring, pay equity, and access to education and employment opportunities.

The Huron University College Faculty Association (HUCFA) exists to promote the professional well-being of its members and represent their interests in relation to their employer, Huron University.

HUCFA’s activities include but are not limited to negotiating salaries, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment for its members through bargaining. HUCFA also works with the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT) and the Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations (OCUFA) to stand up for the interests of teachers, researchers, and librarians in all Canadian universities.

Anyone holding a teaching appointment at Huron is eligible for membership in the Association.  The structure and decision-making processes of HUCFA are set in its Constitution.

Key Contacts 

President:  Andrea King, 519.438.7224 ext. 259,

VP / Treasurer:  Timothy Compeau, 519.438.7224 ext. 222,

Secretary: Jennifer Epp, 519.438.7224 ext. 357,

Leadership with Heart means living our commitment to a more sustainable campus .

Huron has just completed its  Waste Audit. This audit looks at our current waste management practices to outline which actions or systems are generating excessive waste – or areas where we could simply be doing better.

As a part of this audit process, our team members responded with strategies for reducing waste. Both the audit and report touch on a broad range of elements within our university to determine how much waste our students, faculty and staff are producing and how we can actively mitigate these practices.

In accordance with the results of the audit, we have created a Waste Reduction Work Plan. This plan includes actionable steps that our Huron community can implement to position our campus as a more sustainable and environmentally conscious institution.

We look forward to working with stakeholders at all levels within our organization to make sure we are acting responsibility to support a brighter, more sustainable future for the next generations of Leaders with Heart.


Staff & Faculty Mental Wellness and Mental Health Resources

Key Contacts