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Master of Divinity

The Master of Divinity program at Huron University is a three-year professional ministry degree that prepares students for ordained ministry as well as general pastoral and religious leadership in church, parish, chaplaincy, and adjacent settings including law and medical practice. Although Huron is historically Anglican, members of all denominations are welcome in the program.

Master of Divinity students at Huron engage in a wide variety of experiences as they undertake their formation for ministry and service. What all members of the community have in common is the desire to know God more deeply in their faith, to serve others, to grow intellectually, and to mature spiritually.


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Alumni Stories

We are proud of our Master of Divinity graduates, who are dedicating their lives to spiritual and civic leadership around the world. This program is intended to prepare students for Christian ministry, but our graduates are well prepared to Lead with Heart in both church and community settings. We welcome students from every denomination and interest area, so our graduates move on to create positive change across a diverse array of sectors.

Learn more about how our alumni have found success with their Huron theological education as foundation.

  • With how close the community is here, emphasized by the smaller classrooms, it feels like we’re all here for the same goals. We’re all working together as a community for the best of each of us.
    Tianna Gocan
    Master of Divinity Student
    Read more
  • Huron provided all the financial support possible to make a married, low-income student like myself able to fully take part in academic life. The tremendous teaching and mentorship I received set me up to receive a full scholarship to the University of Edinburgh for my PhD. Without Huron, this would have never occurred.
    Chris Medland
    MTS ’13, MA ’15
    Read more
  • You develop within classes that foster critical thinking; challenge you to ask complex questions; and learn how to understand the world in a more human way.
    Beth Koudys
    Honours BA, Master of Divinity ‘14
    Read more
  • I found my spark and pursued it at Huron, and the experience was phenomenal.
    Michael Bodkin
    Master of Arts (Theology) Graduate, PhD (Western University)
    Read more


  • Our MDiv degree is a three-year, post-baccalaureate, professional degree program preparing students for ordination and service in the Church and parachurch settings.
  • The program may be taken full-time or part-time capacity; however, the maximum duration of the degree is six years.
  • The degree is conferred by Western University and accredited by the Association of Theological Schools
  • Our degree is also recognized by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada for the training of ordinands, but we are pleased to welcome students from a variety of denominations.
General Information
Degree Requirements


  • Knowledge of the Bible and its interpretation using contemporary methods of criticism
  • Understanding of Christian doctrines and the historical, methodological and philosophical approaches to the study of theology
  • Skills in ministerial leadership:  preaching, pastoral care, personal and public prayer, worship planning, and management and administration
  • Ability to provide diverse forms of public leadership and service
  • Cultural sensitivity and awareness for living in an ecumenical and multi-faith context


  • Small, inclusive learning community within one of Canada’s leading Liberal Arts universities
  • Over 150 years of excellence in theological education
  • New context-driven approach allows you to develop skills and knowledge as a church leader in your local community
  • New program mode includes convenient, three-day timetable and distance learning option
  • Knowledgeable, supportive faculty who take a personal interest in your learning and development
  • Excellent research support in Huron’s Library and Learning Services and Writing Services
  • Generous financial aid available to students who qualify
  • Full access to Western University amenities
  • Graduate with a Western degree


The minimum requirement to be eligible for admission to the Master of Divinity or Master of Theological Studies program is a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. Applicants holding a bachelor’s degree from a non-recognized institution must provide, in support of their formal application, a sample research paper (approx. 10 pages) from their earlier degree.

Domestic and international applicants without a bachelor’s degree may apply as a mature student. A limited number of competitive, discretionary admissions may be available for those without a bachelor’s degree. Please refer to our Mature Student Policy for more information or contact the Faculty.

Taking Courses Only (Not the Degree), Letter of Permission, and Special Student: 
You may take courses without being in a degree stream in the following ways when you already hold a university degree:

  • Special Students already hold a university degree & wish to take individual course(s), for audit or credit, without being in a degree program.
  • Letter of Permission students are visiting students from another university.

Non-Registered Students:  
If you do not already hold a Bachelor’s degree, you can contact the Faculty of Theology office regarding the possibility of sitting in on courses in the Faculty.  You will not be an official Western/Huron student, no records will be kept, and audit fees will be charged.


Students complete the following 30 half-courses over three years (full-time or part-time equivalent). Normal full-time enrolment is 5 half-courses per term, 10 half-courses per year. The total program of study for the MDiv shall not extend beyond 6 years.

Area I: Biblical Studies
  • Biblical Studies 5110a/b, 5116a/b, and 5120a/b*
  • One half course in New Testament from Area I, Biblical Studies
  • One half-course in Old Testament from Area I, Biblical Studies (*Before Sept. 2015: BS 5114a/b)
Area II: Theological Studies
  • Systematic Theology 5103a and Theological Ethics 5203a
  • Three further half-courses from Area II, Theological Studies
Area III: Historical Studies
  • Church History 5104a/b and 5106a/b
  • One further half-course from Area III, Historical Studies
Area IV: Public Leadership and Ministry Studies
  • Homiletics 5204a/b and Homiletics 5305a
  • Liturgics 5204a/b and 1 other Liturgics course (Candidates for ordination in Anglican Church of Canada take Liturgics 5301a/b)
  • Religious Education 5203a/b
  • Pastoral Theology 5230a/b
  • Pastoral Theology 5231a/b
Area V: Contextual and Formational Studies
  • Field Education 5110a
  • Field Education 5211a and 5212b; or two of Field Education 5222a/b, 5230a/b, 5232a/b
  • Pastoral Theology 5313a/b
Area VI: Comparative and Cultural Studies
  • 2 half-courses from Area VI, Comparative & Contextual Studies

General Program Electives: 
4 elective half-courses from any of the 6 areas above.

Multireligious Engagement Requirement
At least one half-course (from any area or from among electives) must focus on a religious tradition other than Christianity.

Transcultural Learning Experience
Each student in the MDiv must complete an approved Transcultural Learning Experience (TLE) at any point during the MDiv program.  The TLE may accompany a course from Area VI, Comparative and Contextual Studies, or may take the form of an independent study in Field Education, or may take place during the summer term.  The Experiences have been worldwide, and Huron has funding available to defray the costs of the student’s travel and accommodation, where this is necessary.

The primary purpose of the Experience is to provide each student with the opportunity to develop a wider framework from which to see their identity, community, and context so that they may develop a deeper understanding of ministry.  In order for the TLE project to be approved and assessed, each student must submit a written proposal and self-evaluation to the Director of Field Education, in consultation with the Dean, if necessary.  In both documents, a set of articulated learning objectives for the TLE will be cited that with fulfil the following criteria, stated here as prospective goals:

  1. Does the proposed TLE provide the student with access to the lived experiences of the community visited? Does it express ways in which the student will live among (or close to) members of the community, share meals, participate in worship or other communal practices?
  2. Does the proposed TLE enable the student to learn about different expressions of faith, community, and worship?
  3. Does the proposed TLE demonstrate awareness of how the experience should shape the participating student’s own context and sense of self?
  4. Does the proposed TLE convey a sense of how it will affect the student’s understanding of ministry?

Combined MA-MDiv Accelerated Program

  • Unique to the Faculty of Theology at Huron University, students can complete our Master of Divinity (MDiv) program and Master of Arts (MA Theology) program at an accelerated period of four years of full-time study or part-time equivalent.
  • Students admitted to the joint degree program are given a credit of three courses.
  • A minimum of 12 courses must be completed in our MDiv program prior to admission.
  • Students are registered as part-time in one degree program and full-time in the other.
  • For more information about our accelerated program, please visit our Master of Arts (MA Theology) page.


Traditional Applicants + Special Students (those who already hold a university degree & wish to take course(s) for credit, without being in a degree program)

Program Application


Letter of Permission Students Those who are currently in a program in another university, who would like to visit Huron to take a course and have the results of that course sent back to their university.

Letter of Permission Application


The Master of Divinity degree program is designed to provide opportunities for academic, personal, and spiritual growth. As such, admission is based not only on academic considerations, but also on evidence of personal maturity, good character, and the potential for spiritual growth. In order to assess these criteria for admission to the MDiv, we rely on the candidate’s application, the confidential statements made by referees, and where the Admissions Committee so recommends, an interview with the candidate.

Once an application file is complete, with all supporting documents received by Huron, it is reviewed by an Admissions Committee comprised of the Dean of Theology and two full-time members of the Faculty of Theology. After their review of the completed application, the Admissions Committee may recommend that the candidate be interviewed. The candidate will then be contacted by the Dean to arrange for a final interview before a decision is made and communicated to the candidate.

Upload to Portal:

  • Resume
  • Autobiographical-religious statement: In about 400 words, please describe your reasons for seeking a Master of Divinity degree, your vocational plans, and your formative influences.
  • Scan of transcript showing completion of bachelor’s degree (Followed by hard copy original version in mail)
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency (If applicable. See “English Language Proficiency Requirements” below)

Send to Referees:
(Please note that your referees mail or email these forms directly to Huron.)


Winter Term
Applicants seeking admission in the Winter term should apply by December 1.

Fall Term
Applicants seeking admission in the Winter term should apply by May 30. Please enquire at or for flexibility with applications beyond this deadline.

International Applicants
International applicants seeking admission to the MDiv or MTS programs should have their applications complete, including all supporting documents, by March 1 for September admission and September 1 for January admission.


If you wish to be considered for Financial Aid, please complete the form below:

MTS/MDiv Financial Aid Application


The Transfer Credit and Waiver of Program Requirements Policy for the MDiv and MTS programs can be accessed here:


If you have not completed your degree/diploma at an institution where the principal language of instruction is English, you are required to submit a satisfactory English Language Proficiency test score.

Huron requires one of the following:

Test Minimum Score Required 
TOEFL(iBT), 83, with no less than 20 on any section

TOEFL(PBT), 500, with TWE of 5

MELAB, 80, with no less than 78 on any section

IELTS, 6.5, with no less than 6.0 on any section

CAEL, 60, with no less than 60 on any section

PTE Academic, 58, with no less than 56 on any section


Program Learning Outcomes

By completing the Master of Divinity program, students will demonstrate:

  1. A critical and culturally sensitive understanding of the scriptural, historical, theological, and liturgical foundations of the Christian tradition, including the global varieties of Christian expression (for Anglicans, especially within the Anglican Communion), and the ability to apply this knowledge in ministry settings
  2. Proficiency in the key skills and competencies for transformative leadership in the practice of ministry through theoretical grounding, experiential learning, and reflection on practice
  3. An ability to analyse the diverse social and intercultural contexts of ministry and to adapt behaviour and formulate strategies to acknowledge differences and recognize commonality
  4. An ability to identify dynamics and conditions that cause injustice, to articulate connections with the scriptural call to pursue peace and justice, and to collaborate with communities to respond. Here are Student Best Practices for a Context-Driven Approach to Theological Education
  5. An ability to describe, practice, and model disciplines that form and nurture one’s own spiritual formation, and to foster the spiritual development and vitality of others
  6. An integrative personal formation that combines academic preparation with intellectual, spiritual, ethical, and emotional maturity.

Master of Divinity Course Timetable

Theology Orientation Handbook 2024-25
can be found here: 2024  Orientation Handbook  

Course Registration 2024-25
Admitted MDiv & MTS Students, Theology Special and Letter of Permission Students, may register for courses once they receive their registration appointment from Western.  If you don’t receive the Appointment, contact Faculty of Theology office (  Your appointment is actually the first day you can begin to register, so you have more time than just that indicated day.

Here is the Registration Handbook. Registration Handbook 2024-25!

Master of Divinity Maps
MDiv map for those who began prior to September ’22
MDiv map for those beginning in September ’22 and afterward, the recommended first year courses are found on its final page.

2024-2025 Course Timetable

“A” courses are in fall term
“B” courses are in winter term
No suffix = full-year course
Courses are Hybrid (online for approved students/in person for all others) unless otherwise noted, 5000-level only.
Calendar course descriptions are found in MDiv map.

Students can find course schedules in Draft My Schedule.
Students can find room numbers in
Instructions for selecting/registering are in the Registration Handbook above.

Course Subject
Course #
Brief Course Outline
Arabic 1070A Quranic Arabic for Beginners (in person) Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 2080A Intermediate Quranic Arabic  (in person) Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 5260B Advanced Quranic Kharrat, Y.
Bib Studies 5110A  Intro to the Bible as Scripture Sabo, P.
Bib Studies 5116B New Testament Writings Meyer, N.
Bib Studies 5120B Intro to the Hebrew Bible
Meyer, N.
Bib Studies 5119a Studies in Sunnah & Hadith
Mattson, I.
Sex, Marriage & the Bible
 Wisdom Literature  (contact to register)
Sabo, P.
5205a Major Pauline Epistles Meyer, N.
Church Hist 5104A Early Church to Late Middle Ages Acres, W.
Church Hist 5106B Late Mid Ages to Modern Period Acres, W.
Church Hist 5111b Christian-Muslim Relations Mattson, I.
Church Hist 5231a History of Spiritual Care
(Indep. Studies contact Instructor for permission)
Morrison, B
5232a Christianity & Indigeneity Acres, B.
Church Music 5223B Liturgical Music Lupton,W
Field Educ 5110a Identity & Formation Davis, D.
Field Educ 5211a Parish/Community Practicum Davis, D.
Field Educ 5212b Parish/Community Practicum Davis, D.
Field Educ 5313a/b Parish/Community Practicum (3rd year; contact instructor for details) Davis, D.
Homiletic 5204a Theo & Practice of Preaching Crittenden,J.
Homiletic 5305b Continuation of Homiletics Crittenden,J.
Liturgics 5204a Liturgical Theology (online)
Koyle, J.
Liturgics 5301b Liturgical Leadership (online) Koyle, J.
Past Theol 5210b Islam & Wellness Sezen, E.
Past Theol 5213b MTS Integration & Formation Smith, D.
Past Theol 5230a Congregational Development & Leadership Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5231a Spiritual Care & Counselling Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5250b Human Develop.& Group Process Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5313b MDiv Integration & Formation Smith, D.
Past Theol 5333b Grief, Trauma & Spiritual Care Morrison, B.
Rel Educ 5203b Teaching Ministry Morrison, B.
Rel Stud *2130 Living Religions of the World
(in person; details below *)
Acres, B.
Rel Stud 5134a Freedom of Rel. & Accommodation in Canada Fahmy, M.
Rel Stud 5220b Islam & Politics Mattson, I.
Rel Stud 5240g Religion & Neuroscience Marks, D.
Rel Stud 5245b Religion & Social Justice Samuel, J.
SupPast 5120 SPE I see D. Davis
SupPast 5220 SPE II see D. Davis
Syst Theol 5103a Intro to Systematic Theology Potter, B.
Syst Theol 5201a Contextual Theology Samuel, J.
Syst Theol 5208a Key Issues in Islamic Theology
(online course)
Taleb, L. R.
Theo Ethics 5203b Critical Investigation into Theological Ethics Gruning, H.

*RS 2130 Living Religions:  You may take as an Area 6 elective course or general elective, but this course does not count toward your “Multireligious Engagement Requirement,” if your degree map requires it.  No online.  Full-year, 1.0 course.

2024 Summer Intersession Course Timetable

How to Register for an Intersession course
First, beginning Feb 22, activate yourself for the Summer Session on student centre.
Second, once activation is complete, register yourself for the course in student centre.   Here are some helpful detailed instructions!
Or contact for assistance.
Remember,  Huron students pay Huron for summer courses.  

Intersession 2024 falls between May 15 and June 23, followed by exams if scheduled.
“A” courses are  half-courses in first half (May 15-June 2)
“B” courses are half-courses in second half (June 5-June 23)
No suffix = full-course, lasting all Intersession (May 15-June 23)
Calendar course descriptions are found below.

Course Subject
Course #
Course Outline
2130 Living Religions of the World online
mornings Acres,
Supervised Pastoral Educ 5120 SPE Basic I see Dr. Dawn Davis for details & instructions

RS 2130  Living Religions  (Online Only)
A study of the history, faith, and practices of the major living religions – selected from Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.   (Note:  this course can be used toward an Area 6 requirement.  This course cannot be used toward the Multireligious Engagement Course, if your degree requires this.)

SPE 5120 Supervised Pastoral Education Basic I
Offered in partnership with a SPE program (Basic I) accredited by the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, this course blends supervised clinical experience and reflective learning to enable students to develop the art and practice of spiritual care. The course addresses theological, psychological, sociological, and ethical issues in spiritual care.

2023-2024 Course Timetable


“A” courses are in fall term
“B” courses are in winter term
No suffix = full-year course
Courses are Hybrid (online for approved students/in person for all others) unless otherwise noted, 5000-level only.
Calendar course descriptions are found in MDiv map.
See sample course outlines from last year in 2021-22 timetable.

Course Subject
Course #
Course Outline
Arabic 1070A Quranic Arabic for Beginners (in person) M 13:30 16:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 2080A Intermediate Quranic Arabic  (in person) Th 11:30 14:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 5260B Advanced Quranic/Readings From The Qur’an Tu 14:30 17:00 Kharrat, Y.
Bib Studies 5110A  Intro to the Bible as Scripture Th 12:30 15:30 Smith, D.
Bib Studies 5116B New Testament Writings Tu 14:30 17:00 Meyer, N.
Bib Studies 5120B Intro to the Hebrew Bible
9:30 12:00 Lemos, T.
Bib Studies NEW
Scriptural Foundations of Social Justice Th 12:30 15:00 Sabo, P. &
Mattson, I.
Bib Studies 5230b Preaching the Parables of Jesus Th 15:30 18:00 Smith, D.
Studies in the Old Testament:  Sex, Marriage & the Bible; pls contact instructor for replacement Lemos, T.
Church Hist 5104A Early Church to Late Middle Ages Tu 9:30 12:00 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5106B Late Mid Ages to Modern Period Tu 9:30 12:00 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5227a History of Anglicanism Th 15:30 18:00 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5231a Independent Study:  History of Spiritual Care contact:  B Morrison for permission
Church Music 5222B Liturgical Music W 14:30 17:00 Lupton,W./tba
Field Educ 5110A Identity & Formation W 14:30 17:00 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5211A Parish/Community Practicum Tu 9:30 12:00 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5212B Parish/Community Practicum Tu 9:30 12:00 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5313A Parish/Community Practicum (3rd yr) Contact:
Davis, D.
Hebrew 5040A Intro to Biblical Hebrew Tu


15:30 17:30 Sabo, P.
Hebrew 5041B Intro to Bib Hebrew 2 Tu
15:30 17:30 Sabo, P.
Homiletics 5204A Theol & Practice of Preaching (contact to sign up) Th 9:30 12:00 Crittenden, J.
Homiletics 5305B Continuation of Homiletics Th 9:30 12:00 Crittenden, J.
Liturgics 5204A Intro to Liturgical Theology (contact to regist; mostly online course) W 18:00 20:30 tba
Past Theol 5213b

 MTS Integration & Formation Seminar Th 15:30 18:00 Potter, Brett
Past Theol 5230a Congregational Dev & Leadership Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5231a Pastoral Care & Counselling Tu 18:00 20:30 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5232a Pastoral & Spiritual Care in Muslim Community Contexts (Online) Th 19:00 21:30 tba
rev. in bold
Past Theol 5235b Special Topics:  Missions, Colonialism, & the Gospel (Online)   (Details!) W 8:30 11:00 Ruso, D.
Past Theol 5250b Human Develop & Group Process (Online only) Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5255a Spiritual Care Assessment & Planning (Online only) W 18:00 20:30 Nikil, D.
Past Theol 5298b Case Studies in Chaplaincy & Prof Ethics (Online only) Th 19:00 21:30 Edmison, Kathy
Past Theol 5305a CANCELLED
Theological Reflection
M 18:00 20:30 CANCELLED
Past Theol 5332b Family of Origin Seminar Tu 18:00 20:30 Morrison, B.
Rel Educ 5203b Teaching Ministry Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Rel Stud 2130 * Living Religions (in person) M 17:30 20:30 Acres, B.
Rel Stud 5202a Spirituality of Muslim Women Th 12:30 15:00 Mattson, I.
Rel Stud 5310b Interpreting the Qur’an W 14:30 17:00 Mattson, I.
rev. in bold
SPE 5120 5120 Supervised Pastoral Educ contact D. Davis for details
Syst Theol 5103a Intro to Systematic Theology W 08:30 11:00 Potter, B
Syst Theol 5201a CANCELLED
Contextual Theology
W 8:30 11:00 Cancelled
Syst Theol 5228b Theol & Religious Pluralism Th 12:30 15:00 Potter, B.
Theol Ethics 5190b Islamic Law & Legal Theory Tu 11:30 14:00 Lowe, J.
Theol Ethics 5203b Critical Investigation of Theological Ethics W 18:00 20:30 Gruning, H.
Theol Ethics 5213a Islamic Ethics Tu 14:30 17:00 Mattson, I.

*RS 2130 Living Religions:  You may take as an Area 6 elective course or general elective, but this course does not count toward your “Multireligious Engagement Requirement,” if your degree map requires it.  No online.

2023 Summer Intersession Course Timetable

How to Register for an Intersession course
First, beginning Feb 22, activate yourself for the Summer Session on student centre.
Second, once activation is complete, register yourself for the course in student centre.   Here are some helpful detailed instructions!
Or contact for assistance.
Remember,  Huron students pay Huron for summer courses.  

Intersession 2023 falls between May 15 and June 23, followed by exams if scheduled.
“A” courses are  half-courses in first half
“B” courses are half-courses in second half
No suffix = full-course, lasting all Intersession, May 15-June 23
Calendar course descriptions are found below.

Course Subject
Course #
Course Outline
2130 Living Religions of the World online
9:30 12:30 Acres,
Supervised Pastoral Educ 5120 SPE Basic I see Dr. Dawn Davis for details & instructions

RS 2030  Living Religions  (Online Only)
A study of the history, faith, and practices of the major living religions – selected from Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.   (Note:  this course can be used toward an Area 6 requirement.  This course cannot be used toward the Multireligious Engagement Course, if your degree requires this.)

SPE 5120 Supervised Pastoral Education Basic I
Offered in partnership with a SPE program (Basic I) accredited by the Canadian Association for Spiritual Care, this course blends supervised clinical experience and reflective learning to enable students to develop the art and practice of spiritual care. The course addresses theological, psychological, sociological, and ethical issues in spiritual care.

2022-2023 Course Timetable

Copy of Courses (with schedule) 1229 August
“A” courses are in fall term
“B” courses are in winter term
No suffix = full-year course
Courses are Hybrid (online for approved students/in person for all others) unless otherwise noted.
Calendar course descriptions are found in MDiv map.
See sample course outlines from last year in 2021-22 timetable.

Course Subject
Course #
Course Outline
Arabic 1070A Quranic Arabic for Beginners (in person) Tu 8:30 11:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 2080A Intermediate Quranic Arabic  (in person) Th 14:30 17:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 5260B Readings From The Qur’an Th 11:30 14:00 Kharrat, Y.
Bib Studies 5110A  Intro to the Bible as Scripture Th 11:30 14:00 Smith, D.
Bib Studies 5116B New Testament Writings Tu 18:00 20:30
Bib Studies 5119B Qur’an, Sunnah, Hadith W 14:30 17:00 Mattson, I.
Bib Studies 5120B Intro to the Hebrew Bible Th 11:30 14:00 Meyer, N.
Bib Studies NEW
Major Letters of Paul Th 18:00 20:50 Meyer, N.
5210B Studies in the Pentateuch (online only) Tu 11:30 14:30 Sabo, P.
5222A Prophetic Literature Th 11:30 14:00 Lemos, T.
Church Hist 5104A Early Church to Late Middle Ages Th 8:30 11:00 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5106B Late Mid Ages to Modern Period Tu 9:30 12:00 McClatchie, S.
Church Hist 5111B History of Christian-Muslim Relations Th 14:30 17:00 Mattson, I.
Church Hist 5232B Special Topics:  Christianity & Indigenaity Th 18:00 20:30 Acres, W.
Church Music 5223B Liturgical Music W 14:30 17:00 Lupton,W./ McClatchie, S.
Field Educ 5110A Identity & Formation W 14:30 17:00 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5211A Parish/Community Practicum Th 8:30 11:00 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5212B Parish/Community Practicum Th 8:30 11:00 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5313A Parish/Community Practicum (3rd yr) Contact:
Davis, D.
Greek 5103A Introductory Grammar Tu


14:30 16:30 tbd
Greek 5104B Con’t of Greek Grammar & New Testament Readings Tu
14:30 16:30 Meyer, N.
Homiletics 5204A Theol & Practice of Preaching (contact to sign up) W 14:30 17:00 Townshend, T.
Homiletics 5305B Continuation of Homiletics Tu 9:30 12:00 Crittenden, J.
Liturgics 5204A Intro to Liturgical Theology (contact to sign up; online course only) W 18:00 20:30 Gibaut, J.
Liturgics 5301B Liturgical Leadership (online course only) Th 14:30 17:00 Koyle, Jay
Past Theol 5213B  MTS Integration & Formation Seminar Tu 9:30 12:00 Marks, D.
Past Theol 5230A Congregational Development & Leadership Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5231A Pastoral Care & Counselling Ministry Tu 18:00 20:30 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5235b Missions, Colonialism, & The Gospel   (mostly online) Th 11:30 14:00 Ruso, D.
Past Theol NEW
Human Development & Group Process Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5313B MDiv Integration & Formation Seminar Please contact D. Davis
Past Theol 5330B Couple & Family Dynamics Tu 1800 20:30 Morrison, B.
Rel Educ 5203B Teaching Ministry Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Rel Stud 2130 Living Religions M 15:30 17:30 Acres, B
see Theol Office for permiss.
Rel Stud 5134B Freedom of Religion & Accommodation in Canada W 18:00 20:30 Fahmi, M.
Rel Stud 5224A Special Topics:  Sociology of Religion Th 18:00 20:30 Elliot, Neil
Supervised Past Educ 5120 SPE Basic I see D. Davis for permiss’n
Syst Theol 5103A Intro to Systematic Theol W 8:30 11:00 Potter, B.
Syst Theol 5206B Christ, Salvation, Trinity W 8:30 11:00 Potter, B.
Syst Theol NEW
Special Topics:  Readings in Islamic Theology Th 11:30 14:30 Taleb, L. R.
Theol Ethics 5203B Critical Investigation of Theological Ethics W 18:00 20:30 Gruning, H.


2022 Intersession/Summer Timetable

How to Register for an Intersession course
First, beginning Feb 22, activate yourself for the Summer Session on student centre.
Second, once activation is complete, register yourself for the course in student centre.   Here are some helpful detailed instructions!
Or contact for assistance.
Remember,  Huron students pay Huron for summer courses.  

Intersession 2022 falls between May 16 and June 24, followed by exams if scheduled.
“A” courses are  half-courses in first half , May 16-June 3
“B” courses are half-courses in second half
No suffix = full-course, lasting all Intersession, May 16-June 24
Calendar course descriptions are found below.

Course Subject
Course #
Course Outline
5304A Church & Non-Profit Admin and Organisation online
6:30 9:20 Hessler, Soren
2130 Living Religions of the World online
9:00 12:00 Acres,

PT 5304a  Church & Non-Profit Organisation & Administration (Online)
An introduction to organization and administrative leadership in church and other not-for-profit organizations.

RS 2030  Living Religions  (Online)
A study of the history, faith, and practices of the major living religions – selected from Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

2021-2022 Course Timetable

“A” courses are in fall term
“B” courses are in winter term
No suffix = full-year course
Calendar course descriptions are found in MDiv map.

Course Subject
Course #
Course Outline
Arabic 1070A Arabic 1070a Course Outline 1070A M 8:30 11:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 2080A Arabic 2080a Course Outline 2080A Th 14:30 17:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 5260B Readings From The Qur’an Tu 9:30 12:00 Kharrat, Y.
Bib Studies 5110A BS 5110a RS 2330f IntBibScripture 2021 Tu 6:00 8:30 Smith, D.
Bib Studies 5116B The New Testament Writings Tu 18:00 20:30 Quigley, J.
Bib Studies 5120B Intro to the Hebrew Bible Th 11:30 14:00 Meyer, N.
5222A BS 5222a isaiah ezekiel compared 2021 (2) Th 11:30 14:00 Lemos, T.
email to register!
5250A BS 5250a early history of god syllabus 2021 (1) W 14:30 17:00 Lemos, T.
5255A BS 5255a MDiv MTS Gender and Sexuality Syllabus Syllabus (1) Th 8:30 11:00 Quigley, J.
Church Hist 5104A CH 5104a Church History I Syllabus W 14:30 17:00 McClatchie, S.
Church Hist 5106B Late Mid Ages to Modern Period W 14:30 17:00 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5227A History of Anglicanism Th 14:30 17:00 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5232B CANCELLED
Medieval Heresies
Church Music 5222B Theory & Practice of Music in the Church Th 14:30 17:00 Lupton, W. / McClatchie, S.
Field Educ 5110A FLDEDU 5110A 550 FW21 W 8:30 11:00 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5211A FLDEDUC 5211A 550 21 Th 18:00 20:30 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5212B Parish/Community Practicum Th 18:00 20:30 Davis, D.
Field Educ 5313B Parish/Community Practicum (3rd yr) Contact:
Davis, D.
Greek 5103A Greek 1103a Syllabus BA Tu


14:30 16:30 Quigley, J.
Greek 5104B Con’t of Greek Grammar & New Testament Readings Tu
14:30 16:30 Quigley, J.
Hebrew 5040A Hebrew 1040a 5040a Huron Fall 2021 Tu
14:30 16:30 Meyer, N.
Hebrew 5041B Intro to Biblical Hebrew II Tu
14:30 16:30 Meyer, N.
Homiletics 5204A Hom 5204a Tu 9:30 12:00 Townshend, T.
Homiletics 5305B Continuation of Homiletics Th 8:30 11:00 Crittenden, J.
Liturgics 5204B Liturgical Theology W 18:00 20:30 Gibaut, J.
Past Theol 5213B Integrative MTS Seminar Th 8:30 11:00 Marks, D.
Past Theol 5230A PT5230a+Congregational+
Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5231A PT5231a+Pastoral+Care+and+Counselling+Ministry+2020-21 Tu 18:00 20:30 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5232b Islamic Pastoral & Spiritual Care Postponed to Fall ’22
Past Theol 5305A PASTTHEO 5305A 550 FW21 W 14:30 17:00 Connor, T.
Past Theol 5313B MDiv Integration & Formation Seminar Please contact D. Davis
Past Theol 5333B Grief, Crisis, & Pastoral Care Tu 18:00 20:30 Morrison, B.
Rel Educ 5203B Intro to Christian Education Tu 14:30 17:00 Morrison, B.
Rel Stud 2130 Living Religions M 13:30 16:30 Acres, B
see Theol Office for permiss.
Rel Stud 5220A Islam & Politics M 18:00 20:30 Mattson, I.
Rel Stud 5310B Interpreting the
Th 11:30 14:00 Taleb, L.
Syst Theol 5103A Intro to Systematic Theol Th 8:30 11:00 Potter, B.
Syst Theol 5201B Contextual Theology W 8:30 11:00 Davis, D.
Syst Theol 5208B Key Issues in Islamic Theology Th 14:30 17:00 Mattson, I.
Syst Theol 5228B Theology & Relig. Pluralism Th 8:30 11:00 Potter, B.
Syst Theol 5232B Theological Anthropology W 14:30 17:00 Potter, B.
Theol Ethics 5190B Islamic Law & Legal Theory W 18:00 20:30 Mattson, I.
Theol Ethics 5203B Theological Ethics Th 18:00 20:30 Gruning, H.
Theol Ethics 5213A  Islamic Ethics W 18:00 20:30 Mattson, I.


2020-2021 Course Timetable
Course Subject
Course #
Course Outline
Arabic 1070A Quranic Arabic for Beginners Th 3:30 6:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 2080B Intermediate Quranic Arabic Th 3:30 6:20 Kharrat, Y.
Arabic 5260B Readings From The Qur’an Tu 9:30 12:20 Kharrat, Y.
Bib Studies 5110A Intro to Bible as Scripture M 7:00 9:20 Meyer, N.
Bib Studies 5116B The New Testament Writings M 12:30 3:00 Meyer, N.
Bib Studies 5119A Qur’an, Sunnah & Hadith M 7:00 9:20 Mattson, I.
Bib Studies 5120B Intro to the Hebrew Bible M 7:00 9:20 Lemos, T.
Bib Studies 5222B Prophetic Literature M 8:30 11:00 Lemos, T.
Bib Studies 5224B Studies in the Gospels Tu 9:30 12:00 Meyer, N.
Church Hist 5104A Early Church to Late Middle Ages M 12:30 3:00 McClatchie, S.
Church Hist 5106B Late Mid Ages to Modern Period M 8:30 11:00 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5111A Christian-Muslim Relations M 12:30 3:00 Mattson, I.
Church Hist 5223A Christian Tradition in Canada M 3:30 6:00 Acres, W.
Church Music 5223A Liturgical Music Tu 9:30 12:00 Lupton, W. / McClatchie, S.
Field Educ 5110A Intro to Ministry Tu 7:00 9:00 Smith, G.
Field Educ 5211A Parish/Community Practicum TBA
Field Educ 5212B Parish/Community Practicum TBA
Field Educ 5313B Parish/Community Practicum TBA
Greek 5130A Intro to Greek Grammar M


3:30 6:00 Meyer, N.
Greek 5104B Con’t of Greek Grammar and New Testament Readings M


3:30 6:00 Meyer, N.
Greek 5223A Readings in New Testament Tu 7:00 9:20 Meyer, N.
Homiletics 5204A Theol & Practice Preaching M 12:30 3:00 Townshend, T.
Homiletics 5305B Continuation of Homiletics M 7:00 9:20 Crittenden, J.
Liturgics 5204B Liturgical Theology M 8:30 11:00 Larson-Miller, L.
Liturgics 5223B Special Topics in Liturgics Tu 7:00 9:20 Larson-Miller, L.
Liturgics 5301B Liturgical Leadership M 3:30 6:00 Larson-Miller, L.
Past Theol 5213B Integrative Seminar M 3:30 6:00 Marks, D.
Past Theol 5230A Congregational Develop & Leadership Tu 3:30 6:00 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5231A Pastoral Care & Counselling Tu 7:00 9:00 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5313B MDiv Integration & Formation Seminar Please contact D. Davis
Past Theol 5332B Family of Origin Seminar Tu 7:00 9:20 Morrison, B.
Rel Educ 5203B Intro to Christian Education Tu 3:30 6:00 Morrison, B.
Rel Stud 5134A Freedom of Religion and Accommodation in Canada M 8:30 11:00 Fahmy, M.
Rel Stud 5202B Spirituality of Muslim Women M 7:00 9:20 Mattson, I.
Rel Stud 5223B Intro to Sufi Spiritual Teachings M 12:30 3:00 Taleb, L.
Syst Theol 5130A Intro to Systematic Theology M 8:30 11:00 TBA
Syst Theol 5201B Contextual Theology M 12:30 3:00 Davis, D.
Syst Theol 5206B Christ, Salvation, & Trinity Tu 3:30 6:00 Connor, T.
Syst Theol 5231B Theology of Anglican Sacraments Tu 7:00 9:30 Larson-Miller, L.
Syst Theol 5234A Special Topics Course M 3:30 6:00 Badcock, G.
Theol Ethics 5203B Theological Ethics Tu 7:00 9:20 Gruning, H.
2019-2020 Course Timetable

Master of Divinity 2019-2020 Course Timetable

For detailed course and program information, click here.

2018-2019 Course Timetable

2018-19 MDiv/MTS Fall/Winter Course Timetable

Room #s available at under “your Weekly Schedule”

“a” and “f” courses are in first (fall) term;  “b” and “g” in second (winter)

“Calendar/catalogue description is found by clicking “Course #.”
Interested in taking a course below, without being in MDiv or MTS degree stream?
Contact the Faculty of Theology,

Course #
Arabic 1070a 2018-19 Quranic Arabic for beginners(avail to MDiv/MTS too) Th 3:30 6:20 Kharrat, Y
Arabic 5260b 2018-19 Readings for the Qur’an.
MTS/MDiv students should register for this number;
bachelor’s students register for Arabic 3260b
Th 4:30 7:20 Kharrat, Y
Bib Studies 5110a 2018-19 Intro to Bible as Scripture Tu 11:30 2:20 tba
Bib  Studies 5120b 2018-19 Intro to the Hebrew Bible W






Lemos, T.
Bib Studies 5116b 2018-19 New Testament Writings Tu 11:30 2:20 Meyer, N.
Bib Studies 5205b 2018-19 Major Pauline Epistles F 11:30 2:20 Meyer, N.
Church Hist 5104a 2018-19 Early Church to Late Middle Ages Th 9:30 12:30 McClatchie, S.
Church Hist 5106b 2018-19 Late Mid Ages to Modern Period Th 9:30 12:20 McClatchie, S.
Church Hist 5111b 2018-19 Christian-Muslim Relations M 14:30 17:20 Mattson, I
Church Hist 5223a 2018-19 Christian Tradition in Canada W 8:30 11:20 Acres, W.
Church Hist 5350a 2018-19 Eastern & Orthodox Church History M 2:30 5:20 Larson-Miller, L.
Church Music 5223b 2018-19 Liturgical Music (if you have dif signing up for this course, just email Tu






Lupton, W. & McClatchie, S.
Field Educ 5110a 2018-19 Intro to Ministry M 9:30 12:20 Smith, G & Silcox, JA
Field Educ 5211a 2018-19 Parish/Community Practicum Tu 9:30 11:20 Smith, G
Field Educ 5212b 2018-19 Parish/Community Practicum Tu 9:30 11:20 Smith, G.
Field Educ 5313b 2018-19 3rd-yr Placement I.S. contact G. Smith
Greek 5103a 2018-19 Intro to Greek Grammar Tu






Greek 5104b 2018-19 Con’t of Grk Grammar and NT Readings TU/F 2:30 4:20 tba
Hebrew 5040a 2018-19 Intro to Biblical Hebrew TU






Hebrew 5041b 2018-19 Intro to Bib Hebrew, part 2 Tu/F 2:30 4:20 Meyer, N.
Homiletics 5204a 2018-19 Theol & Practice Preaching M 9:30 12:20 Townshend, T
Homiletics 5305b 2018-19 Continuation of Homiletics F 9:30 12:20 Crittenden, J.
Liturgics 5204a 2018-19 Liturgical Theology Th 2:30 5:20 Larson-Miller, L
Liturgics 5301b 2018-19 Liturgical Leadership W 2:30 5:20 Larson-Miller, L
Liturgics 5302b 2018-19 Christian Initiation
(New!  see description below timetable
Tu 6:30 9:20 Larson-Miller, L.
Past Theol 5213b 2018-19 Integrative Seminar (MTS only) Registered students should contract instructor to arrange convenient class time Marks, D.
Past Theol 5230a 2018-19 Congregational Develop & Leadership Tu 2:30 5:20 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5231a 2018-19 Pastoral Care & Counselling Tu 5:30 8:20 Morrison, B.
Past Theol 5313a/b 2018-19 MDiv Integration & Formation Seminar(see G. Smith for details) Smith, G.
Past Theol 5333b 2018-19 Grief, Crisis & Pastoral Care Tu 5:30 8:20 Morrison, B.
Rel Educ 5203b 2018-19 Intro to Christian Education Tu 2:30 5:20 Morrison, B.
Rel Stud 2130 2018-19 Living Religions of the World (avail to Master’s students if instructor agrees.  = 2 half courses) Th 6:30 9:30 Acres, W.
Rel Stud 2297a 2018-19 Faith in Sound, Stone & Paint (MDiv/MTS may take toward degree if instructor agrees) W






McClatchie, S.
Rel Stud 2300a 2018-19 Religion & Psychoanalysis W 6:30 9:20 tba
Rel Stud 3030g 2018-19 Angry God:  The Bible & War (MDiv/MTS may take toward degree, if instructor agrees) Tu 2:30 5:20 Lemos, T.
Rel Stud 3333f 2018-19 Theology, Science & Society (MDiv/MTS make take toward degree if instruct agrees) M






Marks, D
Rel Stud 3450g 2018-19 Judaism & the Holocaust (MDiv/MTS may take toward degree, if instructor agrees) W 3:30 6:20 Marks, D.
Rel Stud 5134a 2018-19 Freedom of Religion and Accommodation in Canada Th 6:30 9:20 tba
Rel Stud 5202b 2018-19 Spirituality of Muslim Women Tu






Mattson, I.
SPE 5101a/b 2018-19 Supervised Pastoral Educ (for those who want credit along with CPE unit) see Faculty of Theol office for details
Syst Theol 5103a 2018-19 Intro to Systematic Theology M






Badcock, G.
Syst Theol 5222b 2018-19 Theology of Karl Barth M






Badcock, G.
Syst Theol 5226b 2018-19 Christian Theol in the 20th Century M






Badcock, G.
Theol Ethics 5203b 2018-19 Theological Ethics Th 2:30 5:20 Gruning, H.
Theological Studies 3333f 2018-19 Theology, Science & Society (MDiv/MTS may take toward degree with instructor perm.) M






Marks, D.


Meet members in the Faculty of Theology who will help you develop your knowledge, character, and skills so you are well-prepared to carve out a unique path in our complex world. Our professors are internationally renowned scholars and authors who are also dedicated to creating challenging, inclusive, and vibrant learning environments. Whether you are attending a lecture, pursuing a research project, or engaging with community partners, our Faculty will be there to guide you toward leaving a legacy of Leaders with Heart.

  • The discipline of theology is, first and foremost, a public-facing and people-centred enterprise. I am passionate about challenging my students to reflect critically and creatively to participate in life-affirming and community building dialogues and justice-oriented social action.
    Rev. Dr. Joshua Samuel
    Assistant Professor of Theology & Huron-Lawson Chair in Contextual Theology
    Read more
  • My passion is to help develop ministry leaders – from a wide variety of backgrounds and experience – who are growing spiritually, grounded in excellent academic training, and understand how to be contextually relevant.
    The Rev. Dawn Davis, DMin
    Assistant Professor of Contextual Learning and Director of Leadership for Ministry Programs
    Read more
  • I aim to do constructive theology that draws on the Christian tradition while also intentionally engaging in interreligious dialogue, particularly around justice, ecology, and the arts.
    Brett Potter, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology
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  • My teaching aims to open students’ minds to new ways of thinking and seeing, and organizing and articulating their results. By bringing students into research and ideas the classroom becomes a very exciting place.
    Bill Acres, PhD, FRHistS
    Associate Professor, Church History and Comparative Religion
    Read more
  • My teaching goal is have students engage with a broad diversity of Islamic thought and practice in order to contextualize current events and to understand how Islam is a dynamic source of meaning for a large part of humanity in the past and today.
    Ingrid Mattson, PhD
    Professor, Islamic Studies; London and Windsor Community Chair in Islamic Studies
    Read more
  • It is sometimes said that ‘we never read the Bible alone’ because we are all influenced, whether we know or acknowledge it, by traditional ways of reading and patterns of interpretation. I always have this in mind in my research and teaching on the New Testament and other early Christian writings.
    Daniel A. Smith, PhD
    Dean of Theology
    Read more

Master of Divinity Careers

Our Master of Divinity program will sharpen your calling, help develop an extensive background in theological thought, and strengthen your confidence to motivate and inspire communities around the world. This program is designed to support your pursuit of becoming a religious leader in Canada and around the world. Many of our graduates have chosen to use the attributes developed during their degree to follow creative career paths in a variety of far-reaching sectors.

From an enriched understanding of cultural differences and faith traditions, prepare to become a formidable leader in a world that could benefit from purveyors of positive values, hope, and empathy. Our calling is to equip you to answer yours.

Where will a Master of Divinity take you?
  • Minister
  • Executive director
  • Clergy
  • Senior or youth pastor
  • Inspirational speaker
  • Chaplain
  • Counsellor
  • Volunteer coordinator
  • Program director
  • Writer
  • Social worker
  • Theologian
  • Professor
  • Family advocate

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