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Home Events Archive - Huron University The 51st Annual R.T. Orr Lecture and Workshop Series

The 51st Annual R.T. Orr Lecture and Workshop Series

All are welcome to join us for our 51st Annual R. T. Orr Events with Dr. Kwok Pui Lan. Events will include a lecture and workshop. Registration is required.

Thursday, November 7, 20247:30pm to 9:00pm (EST) at Huron University
Lecture: “Decolonizing Christian Mission and the Anglican Church” with Dr. Kwok Pui Lan

Summary: Anglican Mission has been an integral part of the colonial expansion. The Pan Anglican Congress held in Toronto in 1963 called for a new vision of “Mutual Responsibility and Interdependence in the Body of Christ.” This lecture discusses strategies for decolonizing Christian mission so that Anglican churches can respond to the challenges of our time.

Friday, November 8, 2024 – 1:00pm to 3:00pm (EST) – Online only via Zoom
Workshop: “Postcolonialism, Interreligious Engagement, and Peacebuilding,” a Workshop for Church Leaders, Clergy, and Theology students facilitated by Dr. Kwok Pui Lan

Summary: Religion has contributed to ethnic and political conflicts and violence in many parts of the world. This workshop challenges some of the dominant myths that impede peacebuilding from a postcolonial perspective. It introduces ways Anglican theologians and leaders have contributed to interreligious engagement and concludes with examples of efforts by religious groups to work together for peace.

A detailed schedule with room locations and Zoom links will follow.

Register Here!

Since November 25, 1970, the R. T Orr Public Lecture series has been held each year in memory of Mr. Robinson T Orr – a long-standing supporter of Huron University. Through the lecture series, supported by Mr. Orr’s legacy, it has been possible for the university to host scholars of international reputation and outstanding theological educators. Past lecturers include Rosemary Radford Ruether, E. P. Sanders, Stanley Hauerwas, Peter Ochs, Walter Brueggemann, Ellen Davis, Rowan Williams, N.T. Wright, and Laura Nasrallah.

To learn more about the Faculty of Theology at Huron University and our interdisciplinary masters programs, please visit us here.

The event is finished.


Nov 07 - 08 2024

Local Time

  • Timezone: America/New_York
  • Date: Nov 07 - 08 2024


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Faculty of Theology