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Tools for Success

University is a time of transition for many, and that’s normal! You might find yourself in a new place, making new friends, studying in new ways and figuring out who you are and who you want to be. The tools below will help you in achieving your highest potential.

Tools and Services to Aid your Success

Below is a comprehensive list of tools and services available to Huron students because we want you to have the best university experience possible!

Academic Calendar

The Academic Calendar is your handbook to the procedures and regulations of the institution.  It provides students with graduation requirements, course descriptions, module offerings, policies on repeated courses and more.  You can find Huron information by selecting the Affiliated University Colleges tab on the left hand side of the Calendar.  The Academic Information tab also provides useful information that pertains to Huron students.

Services for Students with Disabilities

Huron students who require academic accommodations on the basis of a disability need to register with the Services for Students with Disabilities office.  If, during your time at Huron you find yourself temporarily unable to write/ walk due to an injury, this office might be able to assist with accommodations (e.g., note-taking, etc.).  Documentation is required for accommodation.

Learning Skills Services

Learning Skills on main campus hosts workshops on topics such as successful time management and studying for multiple choice tests.  Huron students are welcome to drop in for appointments with a learning skills counsellor.  Students can even sign up for their monthly study tip e-mail outs.  Services are include in your tuition.

Dealing with Stress

University can be a stressful time for students.   Balancing academics and finding time for leisure activities can manage stress and create a more enjoyable university experience.  Take this opportunity to develop some effective stress coping strategies, whether it is working out at the Recreation Centre, walking on one of London’s many nature trails or joining a student club.

Huron’s wellness services– counselling and wellness activities are available.

The university offers counselling services.  Students can access counselling services through the Student Development Centre:  or through Student Health Services in UCC Rm. 11 (or call 519-661-3771).

Good2talk from the creators of Kids Help Phone has the same idea as Kids Help Phone but is specifically geared to post-secondary students.  Trained counsellors answer calls 24/7.  This is a toll-free number: 1-866-925-5454.

Another new tool designed for post-secondary students is the Healthy Mind app.  It is another tool to help cope with stress on and off campus.

Living Well @ Western is a new program that promotes student (staff and faculty) health and wellness.  They may advertise different wellness activities each week from yoga to meditation.

The Western Recreation Centre is a good place to work off stress.  Drop in or sign up for intramurals, clubs or a class.  Registration usually opens and closes very quickly upon start of the term.

Huron’s Writing and Tutoring Services

Writing and Tutoring Services: Our teaching-based centre supports student writing and communication development, as well as targeted academic course support, at Huron University College. Working in a one-to-one, low-stakes environment, our Peer Tutors, ELL Specialists, and Graduate Fellows guide students as they move through the processes of brainstorming, outlining, drafting, and polishing their communication pieces. Meanwhile, our Math Specialist and Business Tutors work with students in math, business, accounting, and economics courses. Through discussion, short lessons, and the provision of resources, students will retain control over their own writing and coursework.

Huron’s Library and Learning Services and Research Help

Huron’s Library and Learning Services and Research Help: Huron Library strengthens and supports the academic pursuits of our University’s students and scholars. We deliver high-quality content and collections and user-centred services and spaces – be they physical or digital – that at once acknowledge our proud past while embracing our ever-changing world. Resources and supports include bookable study spaces, digital delivery, and one-on-one research appointments.

CURL (Centre for Undergraduate Research Learning)

CURL (Centre for Undergraduate Research Learning): CURL aims to transform undergraduate learning through experiential learning opportunities that support students in research, academia, and their future careers. Bursaries and other funding is available.

Career Development Services

Career Development Services: At Huron, our Career Development team will help you plan your future. We help you gain the experiences and skills necessary for standing out in a competitive workforce. Whether you are hoping to be employed directly after you graduate or make the transition into graduate school, our team is here to help you achieve your career goals!

Events and Activities

Events and Activities: Events and opportunities to get involved are shared through social media platforms, OWL, and through Huron’s event calendar.

Study Abroad

Study Abroad: Opportunities for a global education experience are available through Huron.

  • As Registrar of Huron, I am so proud of the incredible Leaders with Heart we connect with on a daily basis. We are proud in student services to offer a personalized experience to our remarkable students. We are here to help.
    Jennifer Morocco
    Read more

Key Contacts

Laura Sedgwick, MA

Academic Advisor