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  1. Bilal Mahmood


    2nd Year Management and Organizational Studies I didn’t know if I would be able to attend Huron. I wanted to, and I worked hard to achieve the best grades possible, but I didn’t know if that would be enough. For my family and I, the dream of me attending university, even with a high academic […]

  2. William Chapman-Black


    History, Scholar’s Elective Program I wish I could say I was one of those students who, as soon as they arrived at Huron, knew it was home and became comfortable instantly. In all honestly, I struggled my first year. I’d never been as challenged academically before, and it was my first time away from my […]

  3. Meet Cogie Cogan


    Meet Cogie! Cogie Cogan is a curious first-year student at Huron University. They are from Winnipeg, Manitoba and are looking to do a combined degree with courses from the Centre for Global Studies and Ivey Business School. They describe themselves as a student athlete and advocate, eager to keep growing. They are passionate about corporate […]

  4. Meet Hanna Ferreira Braga


    Sao Paulo Major in Psychology, 4th year

  5. Meet Ana Paula


    I am a Writing intern for Huron’s Marketing and Communications Department. This year, I will be writing stories about the Leaders with Heart who make Huron such a special place. To help you get to know the writer behind the stories, I thought I could start with my own. Buckle up! How it started Currently, […]

  6. Protected: Huron Life Search


    There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.

  7. New Academic Building


  8. Wellness Activities


  9. Empowering Students


  10. Faculty Offices Leadership
