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  1. Matson Kitamisi


    Class of 2024 Program: Bachelor of Arts, Honours Specialization in Political Science, Major in Mathematics Title of Experience: Transformation Coordinator Associated Organization: Community Foundations of Canada

  2. Dylan Matthews


    DYLAN MATTHEWS 2017-2018 HUCSC President Global Development degree combined with an Ivey HBA Public Sector Consultant, Deloitte Some crises are quieter than others, but that does not mean they are any less deserving of our attention. Unfortunately, universal access to quality education is not yet a reality. Luckily, however, there are people who understand w...

  3. Jake O’Brien


    Program/Majors: Major in Governance, Leadership and Ethics and Minor in Philosophy Home city/home country: Oakville, Canada High School Name: Appleby College

  4. Naisha Chopra


    Program/Majors: Governance, Leadership and Ethics (GLE) Home city/home country: New Delhi, India High School Name: Pathways School, Gurgaon

  5. Ana Luiza


    Program/Majors: Honours Specialization in Psychology and Scholars Electives Home city/home country: Goiana, Brazil High School Name: Colegio Arena

  6. Meet Ernest Niyomugabo


    Malawi Specialization in Global Development Studies / Minor in Philosophy 4th year

  7. Entrepreneurial Internships


  8. Research Internships


  9. Academic Internships


  10. Adopt-a-Soph


    ADOPT-A-SOPH As an Alumni Association, we are constantly in contact with the Huron University College Students’ Council (HUCSC) and hear about their upcoming plans. One of the systemic challenges they want to address is the inequity of the fees (e.g., uniforms, meals, administration fees, etc.) that are associated with being an Orientati...