Program/Majors: Governance, Leadership and Ethics (GLE)
Home city/home country: New Delhi, India
High School Name: Pathways School, Gurgaon
Fast Facts:
Favourite spot on campus: Window overlooking back flats in the Huron Library
Most memorable moment at Huron: The first time I clicked a picture of myself next to the Huron logo in front of the Frank Holmes Centre
Clubs joined: Huron Indian Cultural Association (HICA)
Volunteer/Work/Career Development/Research Experience:
- Web Content Intern at Nykaa
- Academic Programming Commissioner for the HUCSC
- Director of Outreach and VP of Outreach for HICA
- International Brand Ambassador
- Upper Year Student Experience SEO
- VP Events for the BMOS club
Best class taken: Philosophy 2074: Business Ethics
What I love about London Life: Since London is a university town, it is easy to meet other students, faculty, and staff who are not only from Huron but also others at Western and Fanshawe.
Which Huron Residence I lived in: Southwest
Career Goal: I hope to gain experience in the corporate sector. My interests lie in human resources and consulting. Later on, I hope to start my own business.
Huron has truly changed me as a person, I am not the same Naisha I was before I joined. I am so much more independent now, I take responsibility for my actions, I make decisions more wisely and I think all of this has happened more because Huron has pushed me to do that and given me the opportunities to do so and make me a better version of myself.
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