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  1. Niamh McKenna


    Class of 2023 Program: Bachelor of Arts Specialization in Psychology and Major in Linguistics Title of Experience: Food for Friends Volunteer Associated Organization: The Children’s Foundation of Guelph and Wellington

  2. Keven Den Dunnen


    Class of 2023 Program: Bachelor of Arts, Specialization in History, Minor in Public History Title of Experience: Volunteer Board Member Associated Organization: Museum London

  3. Sanchi Shah


    Class of 2023 Program: Bachelor of Arts, Honours Specialization in Economics Title of Experience: Social Finance Analyst Intern Associated Organization: VERGE

  4. Hannah Watson


    Class of 2023 Program: Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies, Honours Specialization in Accounting Title of Experience: Audit – Summer Internship Associated Organization: KPMG

  5. Adopt-a-Soph


    ADOPT-A-SOPH As an Alumni Association, we are constantly in contact with the Huron University College Students’ Council (HUCSC) and hear about their upcoming plans. One of the systemic challenges they want to address is the inequity of the fees (e.g., uniforms, meals, administration fees, etc.) that are associated with being an Orientati...

  6. Dylan Matthews


    DYLAN MATTHEWS 2017-2018 HUCSC President Global Development degree combined with an Ivey HBA Public Sector Consultant, Deloitte Some crises are quieter than others, but that does not mean they are any less deserving of our attention. Unfortunately, universal access to quality education is not yet a reality. Luckily, however, there are people who understand w...

  7. Taylor Harris


    Taylor Harris ’13 – 2021 Young Alumni Award Class of 2013, Honours Specialization, Philosophy & Globalization An associate at the award-winning global law firm, Hogan Lovells LLP. In the summer before graduation, Taylor’s academic advisor pointed out he was just one credit shy of attaining a double major. Little did he know this advice woul...

  8. Meet Urvi Maheshwari


    New Delhi Honours Specialization in Psychology / Major in History/Scholars Electives 4th year

  9. RBC Community Innovation Bootcamp


    RBC Community Innovation Bootcamp The RBC Innovation Bootcamp is a three-day virtual bootcamp designed for arts, social science and business students.  This is an opportunity for you to get experience solving real-world problems for a local organization. What is the RBC Innovation Bootcamp? You will be placed into teams of five and assign...

  10. Parent Resources
