Program/Majors: Double Major in Political Studies Globalization Governance and Governance, Leadership and Ethics (GLE)
Home city/home country: Bogota, Colombia
High School Name: Colegio Anglo Colombiano
Fast Facts:
Favourite spot on campus: Learning Commons (Huron Library)
Most memorable moment at Huron: Residence life
Clubs joined: Women in House Conference
Volunteer/Work/Career Development/Research Experience:
- International Brand Ambassador
- Research Assistant for Dr. Neil Bradford
- Soph (Orientation leader)
Best class taken: Political Science 2293: Genocide, Famine, and Other Mass Atrocities
What I love about London Life: It is a small community with lots of diversity within the city and lots of Colombians!
Which Huron Residence I lived in: O’Neil-Ridley
Career Goal: Going to law school or working in international affairs
I found that the opportunities that Huron offered were far more exciting and personalized than other universities. My most memorable opportunity was the Huron Global Leader with Heart Challenge, a competition Huron held for high school students where I was able to choose a topic of my passion, learn from Huron professors on how to study and develop solutions for it and then pitch my ideas on how to solve the problem. I ended up winning and receiving a scholarship for it! This experience allowed me to see first-hand how beneficial the individualized learning model at Huron can be and the way in which you can really focus on the topics that you are passionate about, rather than learning from a textbook alone. The fact that I was able to continue researching my passion from the high school challenge, even after I accepted my offer of admission and arrived at Huron, has been so exciting.
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