Class of 2023
Program: Bachelor of Arts, Honours Specialization in Economics
Title of Experience: Social Finance Analyst Intern
Associated Organization: VERGE Capital
She saw her idea through to completion and learned something new about herself. “I like having my freedom, I like to have the ability to work on an idea,” she says. In her opinion, seeing the results of her hard work was the best part.
During the summer of 2021, Sanchi interned at VERGE Capital as a Social Finance Analyst. She assisted impact investors in finding social enterprises to invest in while aiming to reduce the traditional values a social enterprise has.
Sanchi says that she was responsible for, “finding ways for the clients to receive funding as easy and equitably as possible for people coming from an accessibility point of view to fulfill their business dreams as well as to create an impact in the community”.
Sanchi says that she appreciated how her superior gave her the freedom to voice her ideas. She was able to design an application guide for the clients that would come to VERGE Capital to make the process easier for them.
The Career Development team played an active role in every step of Sanchi’s application process. They assisted her in resume and cover letter writing by incorporating her ideas as well as finding ways to make her application better. She says that “it was a collaborative effort, and the Career Development team would discuss what to add on her cover letter while including the true essence of who I am”.
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