Class of 2022
Program: Bachelor of Arts, Major in Finance
Title of Experience: Peer Mentor & Alumni Mentee
Associated Organization: Huron’s Mentorship Program
I want to show other students that what Huron preaches about immersing students in valuable opportunities is really what the school is all about. A lot of people have come together to help me achieve my goals, and I know they will do that for you too.
Dylan’s story is a great example of how well our staff know our students and the avenues that opens up for them. Our Associate Vice-President, Partnerships contacted Dylan because she knew our Mentorship Program would align with his personality and interests. She was spot on. Dylan became a mentor to Matt and he receives meaningful guidance from his Alumni Mentor, Trevor.
Trevor helps Dylan navigate the job-finding process and better understand exactly what he needs to get the career he wants. In turn, Dylan uses what he learns as a mentee to support Matt. There’s a huge emphasis on asking a ton of questions, being authentic and never selling yourself short.
“I want to show other students that what Huron preaches about immersing students in valuable opportunities is really what the school is all about. A lot of people have come together to help me achieve my goals, and I know they will do that for you too.”
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