Exploring ‘Journeys of Sacred Striving’: The Hajj as a Means for Spiritual Transformation in Life, Study, and Work
Join us for a compelling public lecture by Dr. Jawad A. Bayat titled “Exploring ‘Journeys of Sacred Striving’: The Hajj as a Means for Spiritual Transformation in Life, Study, and Work”.
On-Campus and streamed live via Zoom. Registration Required.
Can the Hajj pilgrimage inform how we experience “spiritual transformations” in day-to-day life, school, and perhaps over one’s career? In a review of his autoethnographic doctoral project entitled Journeys of Sacred Striving, Dr. Jawad Bayat closely investigates the parallel experiences found in participating in the Hajj and in Clinical Pastoral Education (CPE) certification processes for both Muslim and non-Muslim students and instructors. His interfaith work provides a means to help identify powerful elements common in both experiences that seek to advance current CPE theory and its real-world applications. Providing commentary from Journeys of Sacred Striving, Dr. Bayat’s dialogue will illuminate the idea that many spaces in one’s life are rich with opportunities for such spiritual transformation.
About Jawad A. Bayat, Dmin (Ecumenical Theological Seminary), Chaplain, ACPE Certified Educator, Developer of Muslim Spiritual Care & CPE Paradigms:
Dr. Jawad A. Bayat is a clinical pastoral educator, spiritual care leader, and Muslim chaplain with experience across university, community, medical, and behavioral health settings. He currently teaches CPE (Clinical Pastoral Education) to an all-Muslim cohort at Respect Graduate School in partnership with Sankofa CPE Center and provides ACPE (Association for Clinical Pastoral Education) program consultations for various spiritual care departments in the United States. Dr. Bayat has also completed the ACPE Certified Educator training process at the Cleveland Clinic and the Islamic Chaplaincy Program at Hartford International University and now serves as Chair-Elect for ACPE’s International Relations Committee. Dr. Bayat received his Doctor of Ministry in Professional Education and Leadership at Ecumenical Theological Seminary after defending his dissertation entitled “Journeys of Sacred Striving: Advancing CPE Theory Autoethnographically through the Hajj.”
This lecture is funded by a gift from the Mirza Foundation in honour of Dr. Jamal Barzinji. Learn more about his legacy at: https://www.contemporaryislam.org/jbbook.html
Organized by CITES (The Centre for Islamic Theology, Ethics & Spirituality) and the Faculty of Theology at Huron University.