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History, Scholar’s Elective Program

I wish I could say I was one of those students who, as soon as they arrived at Huron, knew it was home and became comfortable instantly. In all honestly, I struggled my first year. I’d never been as challenged academically before, and it was my first time away from my home and family in Vancouver. Continuing to surmount my learning disability also played a role, but as I began to lean on my professors and enjoy Huron’s small, close-knit environment, I became more comfortable. My turning point, though, came when I was awarded a second-year scholarship. To me, that scholarship was more than just a huge respite from my financial burdens but a validation that I was where I was supposed to be. In the coming years I hope to payback not only the money that I was given by contributing financially myself, but, most importantly, paying forward the hope this scholarship provided me.