Huron Choralschola
Huron students, who previously attended Compline within our Chapel, will now have the chance to participate in the beautiful Gregorian chant-style music that has been practiced for centuries.
Led by Kate Helsen and Heidi Wall, Huron’s Choralschola will be the only one of its kind in London and will be made up mainly of Huron’s own undergraduate students who have an interest in learning this centuries-old tradition and making beautiful, transformative music.
The Choralschola will sing three Compline services and two Evensong services in Huron Chapel in the Fall semester. Some may remember the Compline services held last year. This service has its roots in a tradition first formalized in the 6th century by St. Benedict. It is made up of mostly plainchant, sung to bring about a peaceful conclusion to the day by candlelight at 9:30 PM. Evensong is a service held in the later afternoon (5 PM) and features a mix of Biblical poetry, choral music, and chant.
Auditions will take place in the first week of school. There is no requirement to read music at a certain level, nor to have any previous experience singing chant. Kate Helsen and Heidi Wall (Don Wright Fac of Music, at Western) will rehearse the Choralschola in the chapel, one hour a week, preparing for our first Compline service at the end of September. Honoraria for select choral scholars (to be determined at the time of the auditions) will be available. Copies of the music will be provided.
The approach to this music will be open and attentive, grateful for the chance to awaken the joy of this ancient tradition at Huron and provide beauty and peace through time-honoured Song.
If you would like to learn more about Huron’s Choralschola, please reach out to Kate Helsen at